Thursday, 29 March 2018

March 29th

Sorry...short post - long weekend!

Period 1-we had nice long Red Light as we practised our Division Skills and related facts.
Period 2 -we had our writer's workshop.

Period 3 we went to the library.
Period 4 Mr. Watton (in for Mrs. Smith) taught some Health.

Period 5 we're going to have a circle where we discuss 'collaboration' and the idea of 'flexible seating'.  Then We're going to rearrange the desks for May.

Period 6 we're going to have the Grade 8's come up, and the Grade 3's are going to be the teachers and show the Grade 8's the Ozobots....

I hope everyone has a spectacular 4 day weekend!  See you in May.

Wednesday, 28 March 2018

March 28th

Thanks to Mr. Hatch for letting me know the picture of the Ted Harrison hands wouldn't open properly...hopefully this link works:

Here is what today looks/ed like.

Period 1 we separated our desks into individual rows and columns...the kids then practiced another EQAO like assessment.  They read a non-fiction piece on River Otters and answered some questions.  This took up most of period 1 and 2.  After that we rearranged our desks once again (until tomorrow).  We had about 15 minutes after that to do a self selected reading or writing.

Period 3 we had math.  We reviewed what division was (splitting things up into equal groups) and how it was related to multiplication.  Then we played a few different games from this website:

Then we did this worksheet:

Period 4 Mrs. Smith is teaching Health and Social studies...a bit of a finish up period I believe.

Period 5 Mrs. Djonovich is teaching music.
Period 6 I'm hoping to do a little more exploration with those Ozobots.

Tuesday, 27 March 2018

March 27th

It's only period 2...but that's my only time to blog on Tuesdays.

Here we go.

Period 1 we had a long red light session as I was organizing things for period 3.  We read aloud some of Tank and Fizz and had a bit of independent reading time.

Period 2 Mrs. Smith is teaching Social Studies...I think.

Period 3 we have the library booked for the next few Tuesdays to work with Mrs. Youngblut.  We're planning on using this time to really explore some the new tech. we have at Orchard Park.  Today we'll be learning about Ozobots.

Period 4 we'll dedicate to writing.  We're going to continue to look at expository writing.

Period 5 We're going to wrap up our multiplication unit, and begin looking at Division, and how it's related to multiplication.

Period 6 we're going to do some cute 'bunny line art'....kind of like this.

NOTE:  Mrs. Smith is sending home some information regarding the Health curriculum... please check your child's backpack!

Monday, 26 March 2018

March 26th

I hope everyone had a good weekend.

Period 1 & 2 we made comics of our weekend for our Red Light activity.  Then we had the 'weekend round up' at the carpet.  After that we had a bit of for some student selected, reader's/writer's workshop. 

Period 3 we did a number talk on 6 x 15 and we talked about all the different strategies we could use to try and solve that problem.  Then we had Library.

Period 4 Mrs. Smith is teaching Health...I think.

Period 5 we have the computers and we're going to participate in the Great Canadian Mail Race.  We'll write a letter to a kid at a different school and see who get's a response back first.

Period 6 we're going to talk a little more about multiplication and hopefully finish our last 2 rotations of centres (although, with the desk change, this will be difficult)

Friday, 23 March 2018

March 24th

Happy Friday! 

It's been a great day so far.

Period 1 the kids walked into the class set up into individual desks...then we did a little 'EQAO-like assessment'....just so the kids could get a little feel for EQAO (Which happens in May).  We went through the assessment as a class afterwards, and the kids are bringing it home (so parents can have an idea too).

Period 2 we had a great discussion about our 'desk set up' and the kids got to move their desks to wherever they liked.  Most kids made great decisions, and so far they've all worked very well.  We finished the period with 20 minutes to read or write (they're choice).

Period 3 we had the computers and we did a multiplication quiz on  Then the class answered some more times tables questions on Math Prodigy.  The kids who haven't finished are encouraged to finish at home.

Period 4 we had physical education, we played all sorts of games with the hula hoops and other pieces of equipment.

Period 5 Mrs. Djonovich came in to teach the class the music period she missed on Wednesday (hence the blog).

Period 6 we're going to turn off all the devices using electricity, open the blinds and enjoy some Eco-Friendly Free Time.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Thursday, 22 March 2018

Thursday March 22nd

How good did these Ted Harrison inspired hands turn out?  I'm very impressed.  Talk to your kids about warm and cool colours, primary, secondary and complimentary colours...they know their stuff!

Period 1 we did a little St. Patrick's day inspired multiplication math for Red Light.  Then we read aloud some Tank and Fizz and had some independent/guided reading.  The class is starting to knock some of the rust off from March Break I think.  It was pin-drop quiet today.

Period 2 we watched this video and talked a little more about expository writing.  Then we had our Writer's workshop.

Period 3 we had an assembly all about Water.

Period 4 we had math.  Today we began rotating through our multiplication centres.  We finished 3 rotations and still have 2 left for tomorrow.  The centres are Multiplication War, 'Mazing 7's, Story Problems, Roll the Dice and Missing Numbers.

Period 5 Mrs. Smith is teaching Health.

Period 6 I'm hoping to take the kids outside to make up for their lost gym period due to the assembly.

Wednesday, 21 March 2018

March 21st

Apparently I forgot to hit 'publish' on yesterday's apologies.

Here is what today looked like.

First period I read aloud a book recommended by my son called, Naked Mole Rat Get's Dressed.  We talked about 'coincidence and serendipity' we've read a lot of Mo Willems recently.  Then we watched this little video on actual Naked Mole Rats:

Period 2 I introduced the kids to expository writing.  We talked about 'sharing information' and the format of research papers.  Then as a class we wrote a quick expository piece on bats.

Period 3 we covered the last of the times tables we hadn't already examined...the dreaded 3's, 6's and 7's....but we realized by the time we got to the sevens we had basically covered all them already (because 2 x 7 is the same as 7 x we covered it when we learned our doubles strategy).
The kids enjoyed these songs:
 Three Times Table Song (Cover of Uptown Funk by Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars) - YouTube
Six Times Table Song! (Cover of CHEERLEADER by OMI) - YouTube
Then we worked on these sheets to practise:

Period 4 Mrs. Smith came in to teach science.

Period 5 We'll be finishing up our Ted Harrison Art from yesterday.

Period 6 I am going to dedicate to finishing up our Art and Math...Early finisher's may even get a little bit of free time.

**Tomorrow is water conservation day...try and wear blue if you remember!

March 20th

Happy first day of spring....I unfortunately lost my preparation period today, so I don't have a lot of time to blog.

Period 1 we sat at our new desk arrangements....for today only...I hope.   I just needed to group the kids for a painting lesson at the end of the day (easier to share resources in groups).  We read aloud My Friend Is Sad and talked about the author's main message.  Then we had time to read independently (or guided reading).

Period 2 we had Mrs. Smith for Science...I had to teach Mme. Adams' class FRENCH...I attempted to anyway!

Period 3 we had our writer's workshop...we're a little rusty, but our mini lesson focused on making a story map.

Period 4 we had math.  We reviewed the 9 times tables and played a few different games as a class on

Period 5 we're going to paint our Ted Harrison inspired hands in warm and cool colours.  I'm hoping they end up looking like this.

Period 6 we have the computers to work on

Monday, 19 March 2018

March 19th...

Welcome back everyone.  I hope everyone had a nice and relaxing March Break.  I know I did!

We started off this morning with an extended 'weekend round up' and introduction to our new student Slava.  We had just enough time before recess to have some reader's/writer's workshop.

Period 3 we recalled all the strategies we've covered so far in multiplication, and we looked closely at the 9's times tables.  Ask your children to share the new strategies.  So far we've covered the 0,1,2,4,5,8,9 and 10 times tables.  We've almost covered them all!

Then we had library.

Period 4 Mrs. Smith is teaching Science.

Period 5 I'm hoping to begin an art lesson based on Ted Harrison's artwork. 
Period 6 we should have enough time for maybe a little guitar and free time...hopefully!

Friday, 9 March 2018

March 9th

Happy last day.

Here's what we did today.

We read A book by Artist Ted Harrison, to get us ready for our Ted Harrison inspired artwork for when we get back from break.

Then we did some awesome independent reading.

After that we made a comic about the Secret Life of Cats.  Then we wrote.

Period 3 the kids explored this really cool program (check it out) and wrote their own songs...ask them to show you at home.

Period 4 we had gym and we participated in the Jump Rope For Heart Marathon.

Period 5 we had some time to explore the Sphero Robots...the kids did some great collaboration, very nice to see.

Period 6 we finished watching the movie Holes.

Remember to read lots over the break...keep practising those time tables. is filled with multiplication games.

Have fun!  Be safe!

Thursday, 8 March 2018

March 8th

Hey everyone,

What a strange week.  I was out of the class for another day this week!  Lucky for me, today I was helping with the Junior/Intermediate ski trip to Mansfield...which was awesome!

I've heard nothing but good things from the teachers that have been covering my classes the last few days...confirming what I knew before...this class is AWESOME.

I will be in's going to be a normal day (as normal as the day before March Break can be).  I believe it's also the finale for Jump Rope for Heart.

Since it's been such a crazy week, and I'm not sure how tomorrow will end up....I just want to take this moment to say Thanks for raising such terrific kids...and have a nice March Break.

Tuesday, 6 March 2018

March 6th

So far it's been a good period!

Yesterday I was away (in the school for some professional development), but I heard great things from the supply teacher. 

Here's what the plan is for today.

Period 1 we finished up this worksheet from yesterday (8's times tables- double-double-double) -
Then we made predictions about a mystery picture on the Smartboard.  Then we had some independent reading time.

Period 2 Mrs. Smith is doing some sort of science experiment with the kids having to do with forces.

Period 3 we're going to start our new read aloud, recommended by the school Librarian, Mrs. Youngblut, called Tank and Fuzz.  Then we'll be doing our writer's workshop.  Today we'll be looking at writing comics (with clear beginning, middle and endings).

Period 4 we'll look closely at the 5's and 10's times tables...usually fairly easy concepts to grasp.  Then we'll do these sheets.

Period 5 and 6 we're going to watch the movie Holes to see how it compares to the novel we just finished reading.  

Friday, 2 March 2018

March 2nd

The kids are currently busy reading and writing...I'm going to use this opportunity to try to squeak in a quick blog.

First period we worked on our 4's times tables for Red Light.  Then we read a few chapters of Holes...the kids really wanted me to finish the book...we're very close to the end. 

Now we're reading/writing (I just finished conferencing with Kyle). 

I'm going to take the kids outside a little early to play in the snow and go to our 'happy place', like Stanley Yelnats (ask your kids about this).

Period 3 We have the computers...we're going to finish our Holes comics on Pixton, then practise our multiplication.

Period 4 we have gym.

Period 5 we're going to practise our 8's time tables with the strategy of double-double-double!

So 8 X 6 is really like 2 x 6. 
We double 6 = 12
Double it again 12 = 24
Double it again 24 = 48

Period 6 we'll spend finishing up any unfinished work and maybe even have a little bit of 'free time'?  Hopefully.

Have a great weekend.

Thursday, 1 March 2018

March 1st

Happy Seat Swap Day.

We rearranged the seats into pairs, then we did the great seat swap.

It took quite a long time, but I think we're all set.
We had enough time to test our new spots with a game of seat ball and 20 minutes of a Reader's/Writer's workshop.

Period 3 we had gym.
Period 4 we played Multiplication Bingo.

Period 5 Mrs. Smith is going to do a quick lesson then give the kids some time on the computers to finish their Holes Pixton activity from yesterday.  We also have the computers period 6 too, so I'm hoping most kids finish today!!!

Here is a link to some sweet multiplication games if you're looking for extra practise:
Free Multiplication Math Games |

Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...