Friday, 2 March 2018

March 2nd

The kids are currently busy reading and writing...I'm going to use this opportunity to try to squeak in a quick blog.

First period we worked on our 4's times tables for Red Light.  Then we read a few chapters of Holes...the kids really wanted me to finish the book...we're very close to the end. 

Now we're reading/writing (I just finished conferencing with Kyle). 

I'm going to take the kids outside a little early to play in the snow and go to our 'happy place', like Stanley Yelnats (ask your kids about this).

Period 3 We have the computers...we're going to finish our Holes comics on Pixton, then practise our multiplication.

Period 4 we have gym.

Period 5 we're going to practise our 8's time tables with the strategy of double-double-double!

So 8 X 6 is really like 2 x 6. 
We double 6 = 12
Double it again 12 = 24
Double it again 24 = 48

Period 6 we'll spend finishing up any unfinished work and maybe even have a little bit of 'free time'?  Hopefully.

Have a great weekend.

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Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...