Wednesday, 28 March 2018

March 28th

Thanks to Mr. Hatch for letting me know the picture of the Ted Harrison hands wouldn't open properly...hopefully this link works:

Here is what today looks/ed like.

Period 1 we separated our desks into individual rows and columns...the kids then practiced another EQAO like assessment.  They read a non-fiction piece on River Otters and answered some questions.  This took up most of period 1 and 2.  After that we rearranged our desks once again (until tomorrow).  We had about 15 minutes after that to do a self selected reading or writing.

Period 3 we had math.  We reviewed what division was (splitting things up into equal groups) and how it was related to multiplication.  Then we played a few different games from this website:

Then we did this worksheet:

Period 4 Mrs. Smith is teaching Health and Social studies...a bit of a finish up period I believe.

Period 5 Mrs. Djonovich is teaching music.
Period 6 I'm hoping to do a little more exploration with those Ozobots.


  1. Marcus said that the Ozoboys are awesome “....and only $65!!” :) Thanks for connecting the kids with the bots!

  2. Grayson is loving the Ozobots too.

    The class art of Harrison-like paintings is also fantastic!


Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...