Happy Friday!
Today has been pretty good, so far!
Period 1 we had 'reader's workshop'. The Grade 4's went to Grade 1 buddies to help out.
Period 2 we had the Chormebooks for writing.
Period 3 we were supposed to have Gym, but the Kindergarten concert was happening in there. We also couldn't go outside due to the weather. So we played Seatball, 7 up and Wax Museum and a bit of free time (right now).
Period 4 we're doing round 5 and 6 of the Connect Four tournament.
Period 5 we have Library.
Period 6 the class has French.
The class and I talked (at length) about having some sort of 'tech day' on the last day (next Friday 21st). I've agreed, but we laid out a few rules:
1. Bring at your own risk, the school will not be responsible for any lost or stolen technology.
2. You can only bring and play 'appropriate for school games'
3. Be inclusive
I also told the class that you don't NEED to bring technology, but perhaps a board game might be a better option? That's the option I would prefer!