Friday, 21 December 2018

December 21st!

Thank you to everyone for spoiling me rotten.  I feel like I should be buying all of you gifts.  

I'm very lucky.  Thanks again.

I hope everyone has a safe and relaxing holiday.  Looking forward to seeing you all in the new year.

Take care,

Mr. Cross

Thursday, 20 December 2018

Last Post? Possibly?

Not sure what tomorrow will look like, so I think this might be my last post for 2018?

Reminder:  Tomorrow is an early dismissal.  The day ends 2:15!  

Also, tomorrow the kids have convinced me to allow them to make it 'tech day'.  So AT YOUR OWN RISK,  your child may bring in 1 piece of tech.   Only appropriate games (no Fortnite).

Keep in mind, that the school is not responsible for any lost or stolen devices. The kids could also bring in a board game instead (old school tech.)

Finally,  I just want to take a moment to wish everyone a terrific break.  I've had an amazing 2018, and I am looking forward to 2019!  You guys, are amazing! Thank you for everything!

Dec. 20th

Here is what today is suppose to look like. 

Period 1 -Health with Mrs. Coric.
Period 2 -reader's/writer's workshop

Period 3 -Grade 4's to French, Grade 3's are going to play some time games.
Period 4- The next 2 rounds of the Connect 4 Tournament

Period 5 and 6 -We're going to watch a Muppet Christmas (or possibly the Polar Express)

Wednesday, 19 December 2018

December 19th

Another strange day today...we're going to be missing a big chunk of our class today for the holiday choir field trip.

Here is what today is suppose to look like???

Period 1 we're going to finish up our Craft from yesterday.
Then we'll have reader's workshop.

Period 2 we're going to do some writing and hopefully some holiday graphing...working with coordinates.  The Grade 4's are going to go to French this period.

Period 3 and 4 we have the chromebooks.  I've assigned 'time questions' for both Grades on Math Prodigy.
When they're finished those questions I'm going to let them explore this website with many more 'time activities' on it.

Period 5 we're going to take our Grade 1 buddies to the gym for some bench ball soccer.
Period 6 instead of music (Mrs. Haynes will be on the choir field trip), Mrs. Evers is taking the class to the library to do their last book exchange of 2018.

Should be a fun day!

Tuesday, 18 December 2018

Reading Responses

Hey Parents...I'm sending home your child's 'Reader's Notebook'.

We've worked hard in these books for the last few weeks.

Each week your child wrote me a letter describing what they've been reading recently (summary) and shared some of their smart thinking.

I wrote letters back sharing what I liked, asking questions and giving them goals to work on for their next letter.

I encourage your to go through the book with your child.

I also think it would be SUPER AMAZING, and meaningful, if you kept this up over the holidays.  Have your child write a letter...but this time, instead of boring Mr. Cross writing them an illegible letter back, it's mom or dad (or grandma or uncle or sister or dog or whoever).

I've done it in the past and the kids generally love this (engages them in both reading and writing).

Here is a list of ideas we came up as a class to help us with our 'thinking'.

Here is the dates that letters are usually due...but you don't need to follow this schedule.

Happy holidays...happy reading and writing!

December 14th

I'm back!  Hopefully the flu has finished working it's magic in the Cross household...hopefully!

First off..I received an email from Mrs. Haynes saying 5 of my students still have not brought in their permission forms for Tomorrow's choir field trip.  Please, make sure your child has brought in their form (if they're part of the choir).

Here is what today is suppose to look like (this week is always a little chaotic).

Period 1 we're having a circle to talk about what I missed yesterday.  Then we'll read.
Period 2 we have the chromebooks, to help us write.

Period 3 we're going to play some math games.
Period 4 we'll do the next 2 rounds of our connect 4 tournament.

Period 5 Mrs. Whitehead (Sarah) is coming in to help me make a Holiday Craft with the kids.
Period 6 They have music.

Friday, 14 December 2018

December 14th

Happy Friday!

Today has been pretty good, so far!

Period 1 we had 'reader's workshop'.  The Grade 4's went to Grade 1 buddies to help out. 
Period 2 we had the Chormebooks for writing.

Period 3 we were supposed to have Gym, but the Kindergarten concert was happening in there.  We also couldn't go outside due to the weather.  So we played Seatball, 7 up and Wax Museum and a bit of free time (right now).
Period 4 we're doing round 5 and 6 of the Connect Four tournament.

Period 5 we have Library.
Period 6 the class has French.

The class and I talked (at length) about having some sort of 'tech day' on the last day (next Friday 21st).  I've agreed, but we laid out a few rules:
1. Bring at your own risk, the school will not be responsible for any lost or stolen technology.
2. You can only bring and play 'appropriate for school games'
3. Be inclusive

I also told the class that you don't NEED to bring technology, but perhaps a board game might be a better option?  That's the option I would prefer!

Wednesday, 12 December 2018

December 12th

I will try one of my predictive blogs again.

Period 1:  For Red Light we're going to come up with some 'would you rather' questions.
Then we'll do our reader's writer's workshop.  Wednesday letters due!

Period 2:  Sarah is coming in to help with the guitars (I'm away all day tomorrow at a workshop, and I'm not sure Ms. Pinnington plays guitar).

Period 3 and 4 we're going to the Dress Rehearsal for the Play.  Some of our Grade 4's are in the play.

Period 5 we're going to start our new unit on 'time'...just looking quickly at the calendar.

Period 6 Mrs. Haynes has them for music.

Tuesday, 11 December 2018

December 11th

Just a quick thanks to Keeley and Gwyn's families for bringing in Christmas cookies.  They will both be getting A's in something for Christmas.

Today has been great so far.

Period 1 we did a word scramble for Red Light.  After that we tried singing some christmas songs.  Me on the guitar, them on vocals...we need A LOT more practise.  Then we talked about how we could use sticky notes to help us write our letter (jotting down notes and sticking them in our books).  Then we read.
Period 2 the students were able to choose to continue reading or start writing for this period while I finished my conferences.

Period 3 and 4 we had math.  The class was given some data, and then they had to construct their own double bar graph using that data.  Almost everyone worked hard and produced work they were proud of.  Early finishers played some connect 4.

Period 5 we're going to hopefully start round 3 (and 4) of our Connect 4 tournament.
Period 6 Mrs. Haynes has them for music.

Monday, 10 December 2018

December 10th

I can't believe that there is just 2 weeks left until Christmas!

I'm going to try a 'predictive blog' again.

Mrs. Perks is on Holidays for the next couple of I'll have to teach the kids art...gulp!

Period 1 I'm going to read 'Two Bad Ant's' to the kids...and talk about how the author uses 'perspective' in the book.  Then we're going to create snowmen from different perspectives...sort of like this:
The kids have music and will continue art when they return period 2.

Period 3 we'll have our Monday Morning Weekend Round UP.  After that we'll look a little closer at double bar graphs and try creating our own.
Period 4 the Grade 4's are off to French.  The Grade 3's are going to use the chromebooks and work on Raz Kids and Prodigy.

Period 5 we'll have a period for reader's/writer's workshop (this is the last week for letters).
Period 6 is devoted to finishing up (art, math, missed connect 4 games from last week)

Friday, 7 December 2018

December 7th

Happy tired Friday.

Thanks to everyone for coming out last night...I thought we stole the show.

Thankfully we're keeping today kind of light.

Period 1 we read a few chapters of The One and Only Ivan (such a good book).  Then the kids had a nice long chunk of time to read (or work on their letter to me). 
Period 2 (now) we've got the chromebooks for our Writer's workshop.  There is something about technology that really engages the students in's so quiet in here, you could probably hear a pin drop. 

Period 3 we have gym.  We're going to continue on with Ultimate Handball.
Period 4 we're going to have a class discussion about our 'Connect 4' tournament...and play!

Period 5 we have the library...
Period 6 French

Have a terrific weekend everyone. 

Thursday, 6 December 2018

December 6th

I can't believe it's December the 6th already.

So tonight's the big show...please drop your kids off around 6:15 in the classroom.  The show is scheduled to start at 6:30.

I believe Mrs. Haynes sent home a sheet last week with 'suggested clothing'...I can't seem to find my copy.

I'm not too sure what today will look it's heavily focused on the Christmas concert.

I know that the 'dress rehearsal' is periods 1 and 2...possibly going into period 3.

And that the 'matinee' performance begins period 5 and goes until period 6.

At some point, I'm hoping to run my reader's/writer's workshop to get those Thursday letters in...and give my Friday people a chance to start their letters.

I also have another 'double bar graph' activity I'd like the kids to complete.  I think if we're lucky, there may be some Connect 4 sprinkled in there as well.  Thanks to the Lucas M's family for donating the use of 2 connect 4 for tomorrow.

Wednesday, 5 December 2018

December 5th

Here is what we've done so far today:

Period 1 we practised our drawing skills by attempting to draw Ivan...from our Class novel.
Then we had reader's workshop.

Period 2 we looked at using 'story mountains' as a tool to help us map out events in our writing.

Period 3 The Grade 4's went to French.  The Grade 3's stayed here and did an cut and sort activity on jobs in Ontario's 3 landform regions.

Period 4 We used the chromebooks to do some more coding...the class seems very into it so far.

Period 5 we have 'gym', but we don't actually have the gym.  So we'll be outside.

Period 6 Mrs. Haynes has them for music.

Tuesday, 4 December 2018

December 4th

Here's what today looked liked (so far).

Period 1, the kids had to come up with an answer to this question:  If you could give any one gift, to any one person (and money wasn't an issue), what would it be and who would it be for?

Then we talked about topics for our Reader's Notebooks.  Then we read/conferenced.

Period 2 we had writer's workshop.  We talked about answering anticipated questions in our writing.

Period 3 we went on to participated in the hour of code...developing our own flappy bird game.

Period 4 we had music (Mrs. Haynes needed to switch stuff around)...currently practising on the stage for the musical.

Period 5 we're looking at double bar graphs..when to use them, how to read them and create them.
Period 6 we'll be finishing up any unfinished work.

Monday, 3 December 2018

December 3rd

No prep today...Mrs. Haynes is busy with the is a super quick post.

Period 1 we did our great seating swap for December.  I like the new set up.  Then we did Art...we made some festive decorations for the school musical.
Period 2 we continued on with our art.

Period 3 We're going to do our weekend round up then spend the rest of the time doing reader's writer's workshop.
Period 4 the Grade 4's have French.  The Grade 3's are going to do a partner talk about the various landform regions.

Period 5 we're going to finish up our Range/Median/Mode math work from last week.
Period 6 is allocated to finishing up all outstanding work.

Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...