Tuesday, 18 December 2018

Reading Responses

Hey Parents...I'm sending home your child's 'Reader's Notebook'.

We've worked hard in these books for the last few weeks.

Each week your child wrote me a letter describing what they've been reading recently (summary) and shared some of their smart thinking.

I wrote letters back sharing what I liked, asking questions and giving them goals to work on for their next letter.

I encourage your to go through the book with your child.

I also think it would be SUPER AMAZING, and meaningful, if you kept this up over the holidays.  Have your child write a letter...but this time, instead of boring Mr. Cross writing them an illegible letter back, it's mom or dad (or grandma or uncle or sister or dog or whoever).

I've done it in the past and the kids generally love this (engages them in both reading and writing).

Here is a list of ideas we came up as a class to help us with our 'thinking'.

Here is the dates that letters are usually due...but you don't need to follow this schedule.

Happy holidays...happy reading and writing!

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Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...