Monday, 30 September 2019

Monday September 30th

I hope everyone had a good weekend.

Here is what today should look like...I hope!

Period 1 we'll have our weekend Round UP.
Period 2 is reader's/writer's workshop...we're going to talk about making 'good decisions' during this time.

Period 3 Mrs. Haynes has them for music.
Period 4 we're going to continue working on our 2 digit addition (with regrouping)

Period 5 and 6 is art.  We're going to create some 'cubist trees'.  We'll look at Picasso and the cubist movement.
Cubist Trees:

Friday, 27 September 2019

Friday September 27th

Happy Friday! 

It was really nice to see/meet so many of you last night. 

If you were unable to make it last night, or didn't get a chance to sign up for the progress interviews...or you forgot your is a copy of the schedule.  Please sign up:

This is what today should look like.

Period 1 - Reader's/Writer's workshop.  The kids get to choose what they wish to work on.
Period 2 is French with Mr. Woolley.

Period 3 we're going to watch a little bit of Sideways Stories from Wayside School. 
Period 4 we have the chromebooks and we're going to do a 2 digit addition assignment on Math Prodigy.

Period 5 and 6 we have the Terry Fox Run. 

I hope everyone has a great weekend.

Thursday, 26 September 2019

Thursday September 26th

Here is what today should look like!

Period 1 -we wrote compliments for our friends on our 'feel good board'.  Then we read aloud some BFG.  Next the kids had a nice long chunk of time to do some independent reading.  Our mini lesson was about picking books that keep us engaged.

Period 2 we did a little mindfulness exercise.  Then we had a bit of time just to write.  I let the kids have time to connect with friends...lots of excitement and enthusiasm about what they're writing.

Period 3 we have math.  We're hopefully going to attack the math sheets we never got to yesterday.

Period 4 Mr Woolley is teaching French.

Period 5 we have the gym...but I'm not sure it's available with tonight's BBQ.
Period 6 I'm hoping to remind the kids how to play the G chord on the guitar and hopefully clean up their desks and the classroom before the big night!

I hope to see everyone tonight...

Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Wednesday September 25th

Another great day almost over.

Here is what today looked like.

Period 1 we read some BFG and had some independent reading time.
Period 2 was writer's workshop.  We worked on putting work in our 'literacy' folders on the cloud.

Period 3 we have math...we're going to look a little more at 'regrouping/trading 10 ones for 1 ten'.  We'll try these worksheets (not sure if they'll show up for you guys).
Period 4 Mr. Butt has them for library.
Period 5 we have gym.  We're going to continue to work on building sportsmanship by playing benchball soccer.
Period 6 is going to be for cleaning up/finishing up.

Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Tuesday September 24th

Here are some pictures I took from yesterday of our soil examination and base ten creations:

Here is what I'm hoping to do today.

Period 1- Reader's workshop.  We'll focus on asking questions to make sure we're engaged in what we're reading.
Period 2 is Writer's workshop.  We'll look at writing about pebbles, not the mountain (narrowing our topic).

Period 3 Mrs. Haynes has them for music.
Period 4 we're going to do some more work with soil...specifically the 4 different kinds.  Sand, Clay, Silt and Loam.

Period 5 and 6 is math...we're going to look at our Base Ten creations from yesterday and talk about adding and regrouping:
We played this game:

Looking forward to meeting/seeing many of you on Thursday's Open House.

Monday, 23 September 2019

Monday September 23rd

I have to get my own kids to the doctor today right after I'm going to try a quick blog before school starts today.

Period 1 we're going to have our 'weekend round up' sharing the highlights of our weekend.
Period 2 we'll do a bit of read aloud, then some independent reading.

Period 3 is Music with Mrs. Haynes.
Period 4 we're FINALLY going to examine those soil samples...I hope!

Period 5 we're going to be exploring the base ten blocks...and making creations...and counting them.
Period 6 we have the chromebooks...and I'm hoping to have the kids write in their literacy folders for the first time (we set them up last week).

Looking forward to meeting/seeing you again this Thursday for our Open House BBQ.

Friday, 20 September 2019

Friday September 20th

Period 1 we started our new class read aloud, the BFG.  Then I let the kids choose to read or write (reader's/writer's workshop). 

Period 2 Mr. Woolley has them.

Period 3 and 4 we're hopefully going to get our Abstract Pastel cats painted.  If we have any extra time, we're going to play a math game...where we add the sum of dice practise our adding (10 sided dice for the brave)!

Period 5 we have the computers.  I'm going to teach the kids about organizing Google Drive.  Hopefully we can get everyone to create a new 'literacy folder' and share it with me (this will be the place where they'll save all their written work when typing on the computer)

Period 6...I brought my guitar from home...I'm hoping we can do our first 'guitar' lesson.

I hope everyone has a terrific weekend!

Thursday, 19 September 2019

Thursday September 19th

Well, it seems like I have the most time to post these blogs in the morning...before school starts. 

The only problem is that the days never quite go as I have planned...apologies.

Period 1 we're going to keep working on our Laurel Busch inspired cats for art.  Then we'll have some independent reading.

Period 2 is writer's workshop...we're still continuing to set 'dot goals' and working hard to achieve them.

Period 3 we're going to try to play 'addition scoot' for math.

Period 4 Mr. Woolley is teaching French.

Period 5 we have the gym.  If it's nice, we'll go outside for some Everybody's it tag...then hopefully 2 (smaller) games of spud.

Period 6 will be to finish step 2 of our abstract tomorrow we can paint (and we'll only need to clean up the paint one time!)

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Wednesday September 18th

Today should be a little I'm going to try and post before the day begins.

Period 1- Redlight - finish up some art from yesterday. Independent Reading - breaking our goals.
Period 2 Writer's workshop - working on great leads to get us started.

Period 3 -Hopefully replay the math game Ms. Pinnington tried yesterday. We're also having a fire drill/evacuation practise...who knows how long that will last?
Period 4 -Mr. Butt has them in the library.

Period 5 -We have gym...hopefully we'll get outside to play some SPUD.
Period 6-we can finally examine those soil samples from last week!

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Tuesday September 17th

Maybe some of your children noticed?  But, I unfortunately wasn't at school today.  I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow (I'll be back)!

Friday, 13 September 2019

Friday September 13th

Wow...2 weeks (almost) done!  I love this class.

Here is the plan for today.

Period 1 I challenged the kids to remember as many of the characters as they can from our Read Aloud.  We've read 20 chapters (20 students).  Kudos to Owen for remembering the most (12).  Then we continued to set reading goals and monitoring them for independent reading.

Period 2 they are in Mr. Woolley's class for health.

Period 3 I'm hoping to play (and possibly record) their verses of 'Down by the Bay'.  Then we're going to have some time to's mini lesson will be about 'silencing the 'I'm not good at Writing' voice.

Period 4 we're going to examine our soil samples that we collected the other day.

Period 5 we have the computers.  We're going to finish our verse from 'Down by the Bay' on Google Drive.

Period 6 I've left for 'Finishing Up'.  We've got writing, math from yesterday and science all lingering.

NOTE:  I've still got about 4 students that need to bring in their paperwork from the beginning of the year (student verification forms, walking forms, medical risk and promotional photos).

Also, Monday is a PD day.

I hope everyone has a terrific weekend.

Thursday, 12 September 2019

September 12th

Here is what we did today:

Period 1-Read aloud.  Then we worked on tracking our reading in our new reading logs...we set goals to see how much we could read in 20 minutes.

Period 2 we had our Writer's workshop.  We continued working on our 'down by the bay' verses.

Period 3 we used number lines to  help count.  We used this interactive number line to solve questions like:
3 + ? = 11 (try moving the ? around)

Period 4 they have Mr. Woolley for French.

Period 5 we have the Terry Fox assembly.
Period 6 we have the computers.  I'm hoping we can type our 'down by the bay' verses on the Halton Cloud.

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Wednesday September 11th

I'm not sure about your kids...but I am exhausted!

Another busy day and a short post.

Period 1 we worked on remaining focused when reading (Fixing the Fuzziness).  Then we do a few versions of 'Down by the Bay'...recording coming in the near future...

Period 2 was eaten up mostly by the fire drill practise...however, we nailed it.

Period 3 we did our first math worksheet looking at patterns on a number line and skip counting.  Quite a few kids struggled.  It might not be a bad idea to practise at home using a hundreds chart like this:

We talked about how the tens column goes up and the ones column goes down when you draw a diagonal down and to the left...or how it skip counts by 10's when you draw a line straight down...stuff like that!  Just getting kids familiar with the hundreds chart is a great tool.

Period 4 Mr. Butt took them for library/technology.

Period 5 we're going to continue to work on cooperative games in the gym.
Period 6, weather permitting we'll be looking for some soil specimens in the Glenview yard...and we might find a little time to play too???

Time for a nap!

NOTE: Glenview BBQ order forms going home today (they're on green paper)
and Terry Fox forms going home tonight for the youngest/only children.

Tuesday, 10 September 2019

I forgot...

3 things!

a) pizza forms are coming home today (green paper)
b) I'm hoping to dig up some soil tomorrow, weather permitting...(don't dress your kids in their finest clothes)
c) we tried 'take 2' of Willoughby Wallaby Woo...I haven't actually listened to it yet myself, but I'm going to assume it's perfect?

Tuesday September 10th

I'm going to try and knock out today's blog before school!  I've got a busy day today, and I'm not sure I'll have any other time.

Here we go:

Period 1 will be reader's workshop.  We're going to be looking at keeping our eyes and our minds on our books (staying focused when reading).
Period 2 is Writer's workshop.  We're going to continue to focus on writing stamina and strategies we can use to keep us focused.
I'm hoping to squeeze in 'take 2' of Willougby Wallaby Woo somewhere in the first block!

Period 3 Mrs. Haynes has them for dance/music.
Period 4 we're going to brainstorm our first unit in science-soil.  We'll watch this video at some point:

Period 5 we're going to look at patterns in a hundreds chart, practise skip counting forwards and backwards.  Here is link to a cool 'interactive hundreds chart' you can use at home:
Period 6 I have the computers booked.  I'm hoping to give the kids some Math Prodigy time to practise logging on and to complete the 'placement test'. 

NOTE:  I'm still finalizing our class schedule, but this is what I have tentatively going on:

Things to note:
Music on Mondays, Tuesdays.
Library on Wednesdays.
Gym on Wednesdays and Thursdays (please have appropriate footwear) 

Monday, 9 September 2019

Monday September 9th

Here is what we did this morning and what I'm planning to do this afternoon!

Period 1 we did a class word search for Red Light.  Then we shared our weekends during 'Weekend Round Up'.  I think it's important for the kids to share their weekends (if they want) and it really helps me get to know the students.  We'll be doing that every Monday.

Period 2 we talked about what independent reading looks and sounds like.  Then we practised and read for 16 minutes and 49 seconds.  We talked about our 'ideal' reading environment.  most kids prefer sit...but a few like to lay down!

Period 3 Mrs. Haynes has them for Music/Dance.
Period 4 we're going to some math that I've been hoping to get to for a while...a game called 'what's my number'.  I also have another dice game called 'roll 2, add 9'. 

Period 5 we're going to look at Warm and Cool colours then we're going to colour in our names using warm and cool colours.

Period 6, if there is time, and everyone's brain is still fully functional (including mine) we'll work on our writing in our Writer's Workshop. 

Thanks to everyone who's brought in their forms so far!

Friday, 6 September 2019

Math prodigy

I just wanted to send a quick note.

Today I introduced the kids to a math website called 'Math Prodigy'. 

The kids were SUPER engaged.  They might be bugging you to play all weekend (I'll leave that to your discretion). 

I just want to point out that it is FREE.  The occasional window pops up showing new cosmetic items you can get if you buy a membership...but it doesn't change the math at all.  The membership only increases the items/pets/cosmetic do not feel obliged to purchase a membership.

I've heard there is also an app to make it tablet friendly?

The website is:

I've sent the kids home with little strips of paper that have their user names and passwords. 

Have a great weekend!

Friday September 6th

Only 2 periods in so far...but this is what we've done, and what we're going to do!

Period 1 we wrote down our computer log in information 10 times!  Trying to lock it into our brains.  Then we read some Wayside School.  After the class smashed their independent stamina reading record time.  We read for 14 minutes without losing focus...and the best part, we were allowed to read anywhere we wanted in the classroom!

Period 2 they went to Mr. Woolley for Health, I believe!

Period 3 we're going to have some writing time.  We're working on generating ideas.  We'll be looking at some strong emotions (happy, sad, scared, angry) and jotting down some memories we have with those moments.

Period 4 we have math.  We're going play a game called 'what's my number?'. They'll use numbers from their lives (e.g., how many pets do you have?) and as a class we'll try and guess what the number actually represents.

Period 5 I'm hoping to use the chromebooks for the first time.  We'll log in, and try and play math prodigy.

Period 6 I'm leaving open (if we can sneak the computers for another period, we just may).  We may also go outside to play a game of SPUD...we'll see!

Thanks for an amazing first week.  I hope everyone has a terrific weekend.

Thursday, 5 September 2019

Thursday September 5th

A great day so far!

Here's a look at the day.

Period 1 we talked about our favourite games.  We read about Todd, from Wayside school and we smashed yesterday's reading stamina time.  We read independently, and on task for 11 minutes 26 seconds.

Period 2 we cracked open our brand new 'Writer's Notebooks'.  We talked about what makes for our ideal writing environment and most of us wrote about them. 

Period 3 we have math and we'll play this fun adding game called Sum it Up.

Period 4 the kids are with Mr. Woolley (for either French or Health...he'll be teaching both those subjects this year)

Period 5 we have the gym.  Hopefully after are warm up and stretches we'll get to play Indiana Jones and a little 'Everybody's It Dodgeball'.

Period 6 we're going to try to work together to do a little 'group juggling'.  Then the rest of the period we'll spend finishing up our writing/math or First Day Jitter's work from Tuesday.

Great job by the parents in sending in all that paperwork!  We've almost got everyone's!

Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Day 2

Last year I had most of my 'prep' periods at the end of the day, and that is when I found the time to blog.

This year will be a little more difficult, as all of my prep periods are in the middle most of my posts will be "what we've done so far"...and "what I'm hoping to do" this afternoon.

Here we go:

Period 1 we cracked open our 'red light' books for the first time.  Our Red Light books are where we do quiet activities while the announcements are on.  Today we drew/wrote about our highlights from Grade 3 so far.  Then we used the Random Number Generator to help us decide on our September seating plan (I usually try to change the desk arrangement every month).

Period 2 we started reading Sideways Stories from Wayside School.  We did a lot of laughing.  Ask your kids about Mrs. Gorf.  Then we talked about 'independent reading' and how to pick a good book.  Then we worked on building our Reading Stamina.  We were able to read for 7 minutes and 39 seconds today.

Period 3 I showed the kids this picture:

We talked about 'fair isn't always equal'...and what that means in our class and what this picture represents.

I also made the kids a promise.  I'll deliver their best year of school if they can do their best to follow our 4 class rules.

Your kids were so awesome, I had to take them outside for some fresh air.  There was a massive game of tag on the climber, some sand castle building, swinging, skipping and searching for gross bugs.  It was great. 

Period 4 (now) Mr. Butt has them for library (Wednesday is our book exchange day) and technology.

Period 5 we have the gym (I think) and we're going to play a few different co operative games. Cat and Mouse and Matt ball.

Period 6 I want to finish up some 'first day jitters' work from yesterday.  Hopefully have some time to a game I call seatball and talk a little more about building an amazing community...we're already well on our way!

P.S.  Thanks to all the people that brought in some of that paperwork from yesterday...if you haven't yet, can you please send it in when you complete it?

Tuesday, 3 September 2019

Welcome to Grade 3!

Hi everyone!  Welcome to my blog.  I try really hard to post everyday, so you have an idea of what we've done in class. 

Here is what today looked like:

Period 1 we played a few 'get to know you games', including one that involved eating popcorn.  We sang the 'walking song'.

Period 2 we read the book, First Day Jitters and talked about how we felt about our first day (I was nervous).

Period 3 Mrs. Haynes had them for music.

Period 4 we had a welcome back assembly.

Period 5 we sang 'Willoughby Wallaby Woo', a Raffi classic. Not sure if this will work, but here is the link to our version (take 1!):

We talked about our classroom and came up with some class rules:
1. Be respectful (of others, the school rules and property)...basically, be kind.
2. Raise your had to speak.
3. Try your best.
4. Have fun.

Period 6 we had a little free time to explore the classroom (and to practise cleaning up, and trying to include others).

What a terrific day.  I think I'm really going to enjoy this year.  Thanks for raising such terrific children.

NOTE:  Lots of paperwork coming home today...many of which require parent signatures. 

Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...