Thursday, 26 September 2019

Thursday September 26th

Here is what today should look like!

Period 1 -we wrote compliments for our friends on our 'feel good board'.  Then we read aloud some BFG.  Next the kids had a nice long chunk of time to do some independent reading.  Our mini lesson was about picking books that keep us engaged.

Period 2 we did a little mindfulness exercise.  Then we had a bit of time just to write.  I let the kids have time to connect with friends...lots of excitement and enthusiasm about what they're writing.

Period 3 we have math.  We're hopefully going to attack the math sheets we never got to yesterday.

Period 4 Mr Woolley is teaching French.

Period 5 we have the gym...but I'm not sure it's available with tonight's BBQ.
Period 6 I'm hoping to remind the kids how to play the G chord on the guitar and hopefully clean up their desks and the classroom before the big night!

I hope to see everyone tonight...

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Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...