Happy Halloween!
It's only period 2, but here is what I have 'planned'. Keeping in mind, it's Halloween, and things could change.
Period 1 we did the Halloween parade (good to see so many of the parents there).
Period 2 -Mrs. Smith is doing something with the kids, social studies perhaps?
Period 3 I'm hoping to do some independent/guided reading and finish up a math sheet (rounding) from yesterday.
Period 4 I'm hoping to do our Writer's workshop, with a mini lesson focusing on 'edge of your seat' fiction writing.
Period 5 we're going to have a circle, just talking about being safe tonight. Then we'll attempt to finish our Alvin and the Chipmunks movie.
Period 6 we have the computers booked, so we might log onto 'code.org' to finish up, or keep the movie going...I'll have to play it by ear!
Today and tomorrow are fun days to be around happy children...but not always the easiest days to teach!
Photo order forms coming home tonight too!
Tuesday, 31 October 2017
Monday, 30 October 2017
October 30th
Wow....it's only period 4, but it's felt like a full day. Must be the day before Halloween! I can only imagine what the next 2 days are going to be like!!!
Period 1 we had our weekend round up.
Period 2 we read aloud and did some independent/guided reading
Period 3 we worked on rounding numbers to the 10, and 100. Then we had library.
Period 4 is social studies with Mrs. Smith
Period 5 we have the computers...we're going to explore 'coding' on code.org. Here is the direct link: https://studio.code.org/sections/HXCBFQ - they were given 'picture' passwords...hopefully they bring them home, or can remember them!
Period 6 we're going to finish up our Alvin and the Chipmunks movie from Friday and any other outstanding work.
Update: this class if full of potential programmers....they were awesome period 5!
Period 1 we had our weekend round up.
Period 2 we read aloud and did some independent/guided reading
Period 3 we worked on rounding numbers to the 10, and 100. Then we had library.
Period 4 is social studies with Mrs. Smith
Period 5 we have the computers...we're going to explore 'coding' on code.org. Here is the direct link: https://studio.code.org/sections/HXCBFQ - they were given 'picture' passwords...hopefully they bring them home, or can remember them!
Period 6 we're going to finish up our Alvin and the Chipmunks movie from Friday and any other outstanding work.
Update: this class if full of potential programmers....they were awesome period 5!
Friday, 27 October 2017
October 27th
Happy Friday (and birthday to Ellene)!
We've had a great Friday so far.
Period 1 we made Ellene birthday cards and practise drawing a still life apple for red light. Then we read a couple of chapters from The One And Only Ivan. The kids had about 10 minutes of independent reading before period 2's assembly started.
Period 2 we had an assembly on bus safety.
Period 3 (now) the kids are currently finishing their 'author's chair' assignments on Google Classroom. Then on to prodigy for some rounding questions.
Period 4 we have gym.
Period 5 we're going to do some 'go noodle', then design some 'hand poppies' for our remembrance day wreath.
Period 6 I think we'll have a quick circle and finish the day watching an Alvin and the Chipmunks meet Frankenstein (provided we have a good rest of the day)
Have a great weekend everyone!
Please remember to read the Holiday Marketplace post and donate (if you haven't already).
We've had a great Friday so far.
Period 1 we made Ellene birthday cards and practise drawing a still life apple for red light. Then we read a couple of chapters from The One And Only Ivan. The kids had about 10 minutes of independent reading before period 2's assembly started.
Period 2 we had an assembly on bus safety.
Period 3 (now) the kids are currently finishing their 'author's chair' assignments on Google Classroom. Then on to prodigy for some rounding questions.
Period 4 we have gym.
Period 5 we're going to do some 'go noodle', then design some 'hand poppies' for our remembrance day wreath.
Period 6 I think we'll have a quick circle and finish the day watching an Alvin and the Chipmunks meet Frankenstein (provided we have a good rest of the day)
Have a great weekend everyone!
Please remember to read the Holiday Marketplace post and donate (if you haven't already).
Thursday, 26 October 2017
October 26th
A good day almost in the books.
Period 1 we finished up some rounding work for red light. Read aloud from The One And Only Ivan. Then the kids did the best job they've done all year reading independently! I didn't want to stop them, but we needed to get to the writer's workshop.
Period 2 we had our writer's workshop. The mini lesson today was on narrowing the focus of our stories.
Period 3 we gym and played a fun version of handball.
Period 4 we had math. We played this rounding game on the Smartboard. Then we played this game in partners.
Period 5 we have Mrs. Smith for social studies.
Period 6 we're going to do some mindfulness, calming activity on 'Go Noodle'. Then we're going to tidy up the classroom and maybe have a bit of free time...
Please remember to check out the 'Market Place' post from a few days ago....
Period 1 we finished up some rounding work for red light. Read aloud from The One And Only Ivan. Then the kids did the best job they've done all year reading independently! I didn't want to stop them, but we needed to get to the writer's workshop.
Period 2 we had our writer's workshop. The mini lesson today was on narrowing the focus of our stories.
Period 3 we gym and played a fun version of handball.
Period 4 we had math. We played this rounding game on the Smartboard. Then we played this game in partners.
Period 5 we have Mrs. Smith for social studies.
Period 6 we're going to do some mindfulness, calming activity on 'Go Noodle'. Then we're going to tidy up the classroom and maybe have a bit of free time...
Please remember to check out the 'Market Place' post from a few days ago....
Wednesday, 25 October 2017
October 25th
I don't know why, but for some reason, I keep thinking today's Thursday....
Here is what we did today, on Wednesday!
Period 1: we practiced our shading some more and shared our wonderful still life artwork (I have to say, my shading is really improving). Then we read from The One And Only Ivan. We learned some sad news about how Ivan came to life at the Big Top Mall, and what happened to his parents. Then we read independently.
Period 2: Writer's workshop. We focused on 'backwards editing' and circling the 'tricky' words.
Period 3: we learned about rounding numbers to the closest 10 (and 100). We did a worksheet sort of like this. I found that this chart really helped some kids.
Period 4: Mrs. Smith, social studies.
Period 5: Mrs. Djonovich, music.
Period 6: Some shared reading, then some guitar...hoping to teach the C chord today (it's a bit of a trickier one for small hands.
Here is what we did today, on Wednesday!
Period 1: we practiced our shading some more and shared our wonderful still life artwork (I have to say, my shading is really improving). Then we read from The One And Only Ivan. We learned some sad news about how Ivan came to life at the Big Top Mall, and what happened to his parents. Then we read independently.
Period 2: Writer's workshop. We focused on 'backwards editing' and circling the 'tricky' words.
Period 3: we learned about rounding numbers to the closest 10 (and 100). We did a worksheet sort of like this. I found that this chart really helped some kids.
Period 4: Mrs. Smith, social studies.
Period 5: Mrs. Djonovich, music.
Period 6: Some shared reading, then some guitar...hoping to teach the C chord today (it's a bit of a trickier one for small hands.
Tuesday, 24 October 2017
October 24th
It's only period 2...but that's my only time to blog, so here we go.
Period 1 - For red light we came up with as many creative ways as we can to make questions with the answer equalling 100 (e.g., 110- 10 = 100). Then we read from The One And Only Ivan. We learned a little about Ivan growing up as a 'human'. Then we had some independent reading/guided reading.
Period 2 is Social studies with Mrs. Smith.
Period 3 We're going to do writer's workshop. Today's mini lesson will focus on using proper ending punctuation.
Period 4 we're going to go through some of our favourite centres from our subtraction-centres from last week.
Period 5 and 6 I'm going to do a little growth mindset activity with the kids. Then we'll do art. I had originally planned on looking at Henri Mattise today, but after reading the One And Only Ivan, I think I'm going to change and focus on 'still-life' drawing (mentioned in the book).
I'll show the kids this video on technique, and we'll have a go!
Period 1 - For red light we came up with as many creative ways as we can to make questions with the answer equalling 100 (e.g., 110- 10 = 100). Then we read from The One And Only Ivan. We learned a little about Ivan growing up as a 'human'. Then we had some independent reading/guided reading.
Period 2 is Social studies with Mrs. Smith.
Period 3 We're going to do writer's workshop. Today's mini lesson will focus on using proper ending punctuation.
Period 4 we're going to go through some of our favourite centres from our subtraction-centres from last week.
Period 5 and 6 I'm going to do a little growth mindset activity with the kids. Then we'll do art. I had originally planned on looking at Henri Mattise today, but after reading the One And Only Ivan, I think I'm going to change and focus on 'still-life' drawing (mentioned in the book).
I'll show the kids this video on technique, and we'll have a go!
Please take a look at yesterday's 'Holiday Market Place' post!
Monday, 23 October 2017
Holiday Market Place - Nov. 25th
Last week information went home about Orchard Park's big annual fundraiser, the Holiday Market Place. All Grades are in charge of creating a 'themed' basket.
The Grade 3's are to create an 'Arts and Crafts' basket.
Parent council are requesting that each item in the basket retail for $15 minimum...they are encouraging families to work together and pool their money.
Angela Boyd (Lily's mom) has graciously offered to organize this for our class. She suggested collecting $5 from each child, then she would go out and do our shopping (thank you!).
We're hoping to get all donations by Nov. 1st so we can put the basket together for Parent Council Nov. 10th.
You can either send the money in to school with your child, and I'll make sure Angela gets it, or you can find Angela on the blacktop before or after school and hand her the money yourself.
Here is Angela's contact information:
email: angela.boyd99@sympatico.ca
text: 905.330.1233
This is a VERY worthy cause! Please consider donating as the money goes right back into the school. We're looking to get new technology and robotics equipment, furniture for the library and phase 3 of the learning garden!
Thanks to Angela and everyone for contributing.
The Grade 3's are to create an 'Arts and Crafts' basket.
Parent council are requesting that each item in the basket retail for $15 minimum...they are encouraging families to work together and pool their money.
Angela Boyd (Lily's mom) has graciously offered to organize this for our class. She suggested collecting $5 from each child, then she would go out and do our shopping (thank you!).
We're hoping to get all donations by Nov. 1st so we can put the basket together for Parent Council Nov. 10th.
You can either send the money in to school with your child, and I'll make sure Angela gets it, or you can find Angela on the blacktop before or after school and hand her the money yourself.
Here is Angela's contact information:
email: angela.boyd99@sympatico.ca
text: 905.330.1233
This is a VERY worthy cause! Please consider donating as the money goes right back into the school. We're looking to get new technology and robotics equipment, furniture for the library and phase 3 of the learning garden!
Thanks to Angela and everyone for contributing.
October 23rd
Happy Monday everyone,
I was unfortunately away on Friday, but I heard great things from Mrs. Chamberlain.
We started our Monday off by writing me a letter for Red Light.
Then we had our usual 'Weekend Round UP'. Lots of pumpkin picking (and tv/video games).
Then I read from The One And Only Ivan, unfortunately something sad happened to Stella.
Then the kids read independently (some kids choose to read on Raz Kids).
Period 3 we did a quick addition and subtraction assessment...I asked the kids to choose as many digits as they feel comfortable with to solve an addition and subtraction problem.
Then we had library.
Period 4 (now) the kids have social studies with Mrs. Smith's supply teacher.
Period 5 we're going to finish up some math.
Period 6 I think I'm going to change the plans and give the kids some free time, because they've been so great so far today.
I was unfortunately away on Friday, but I heard great things from Mrs. Chamberlain.
We started our Monday off by writing me a letter for Red Light.
Then we had our usual 'Weekend Round UP'. Lots of pumpkin picking (and tv/video games).
Then I read from The One And Only Ivan, unfortunately something sad happened to Stella.
Then the kids read independently (some kids choose to read on Raz Kids).
Period 3 we did a quick addition and subtraction assessment...I asked the kids to choose as many digits as they feel comfortable with to solve an addition and subtraction problem.
Then we had library.
Period 4 (now) the kids have social studies with Mrs. Smith's supply teacher.
Period 5 we're going to finish up some math.
Period 6 I think I'm going to change the plans and give the kids some free time, because they've been so great so far today.
Thursday, 19 October 2017
October 19th
Another good day almost done. Happy Birthday to Violet.
I apologize for no post yesterday...I had to cover another class and didn't have my usual preparation period. So I didn't have time to post.
Here is what today looks/ed like:
Period 1 We made birthday cards for Violet for Red Light. Then we read a few chapters of The One And Only Ivan...which I really enjoy reading. Then the kids did independent reading while I did guided reading with Gillian, Charlotte, Miliana and Lily.
Period 2 we looked at strong 'leads' from some mentor authors. We discussed what made a strong lead, then we wrote one as a class. Then the kids went to their desks for the quiet 10 and did some writing!
Period 3 we had Gym...we continued to work on our throwing and balance with a variety of games.
Period 4 we did a rotation of our Subtraction Centres. Then we had to review that not every centre is going to be fun...and that sometimes at school we'll have to do work, not just the things we want to do.
Period 5 Mrs. Smith is teaching social studies.
Period 6 we're going to talk about goal setting and self reflecting for the progress reports. Then we'll fill out this sheet as a class. Any extra time will be used to finish up our Marc Chagall masterpieces...I hope.
I apologize for no post yesterday...I had to cover another class and didn't have my usual preparation period. So I didn't have time to post.
Here is what today looks/ed like:
Period 1 We made birthday cards for Violet for Red Light. Then we read a few chapters of The One And Only Ivan...which I really enjoy reading. Then the kids did independent reading while I did guided reading with Gillian, Charlotte, Miliana and Lily.
Period 2 we looked at strong 'leads' from some mentor authors. We discussed what made a strong lead, then we wrote one as a class. Then the kids went to their desks for the quiet 10 and did some writing!
Period 3 we had Gym...we continued to work on our throwing and balance with a variety of games.
Period 4 we did a rotation of our Subtraction Centres. Then we had to review that not every centre is going to be fun...and that sometimes at school we'll have to do work, not just the things we want to do.
Period 5 Mrs. Smith is teaching social studies.
Period 6 we're going to talk about goal setting and self reflecting for the progress reports. Then we'll fill out this sheet as a class. Any extra time will be used to finish up our Marc Chagall masterpieces...I hope.
Wednesday, 18 October 2017
October 18th
A crazy (busy) day...but a great day.
I unfortunately don't have any time to blog about it...
Here is the good news. Our class did get a licence for Raz Kids...activated today!
Go to this website:
Choose the 'teacher's username: across9
Then find your child's name. Your child's password is the same as their password to access HDSB cloud (4 lower case letters)...they should know it by now...also written in their agendas.
Hopefully I'll be able to send home some information about it tonight.
I unfortunately don't have any time to blog about it...
Here is the good news. Our class did get a licence for Raz Kids...activated today!
Go to this website:
Choose the 'teacher's username: across9
Then find your child's name. Your child's password is the same as their password to access HDSB cloud (4 lower case letters)...they should know it by now...also written in their agendas.
Hopefully I'll be able to send home some information about it tonight.
Tuesday, 17 October 2017
Tuesday October 17th
It's only period 2 but here is what's happened so far...and what I'm planning on happening the rest of the day!
Period 1 we had a great start. We made Ayla birthday cards for red light. Then we read a bit from The One And Only Ivan. Then we had independent reading and I started guided reading (small group instruction).
Period 2 Mrs. Smith taught the kids social studies.
Period 3 we're going to have our Writer's workshop. Then we'll move to math and I'm going to teach the kids subtraction Bingo.
http://www.123homeschool4me.com/2016/09/free-subtraction-bingo.html (if you want to play at home)
Then I have a couple of different subtraction worksheets (2 and 3 digit subtraction) for some additional practise.
Hopefully there will be a little time left over to talk about the Healthy Snack bins.
Period 5 I'm going to do a mindfulness activity with the kids. Then we'll finish up some our Marc Chagall work.
Period 6 we have the computers and we're going to log back into google classroom and try to finish up our stories from yesterday.
****Picture Day Tomorrow****
Period 1 we had a great start. We made Ayla birthday cards for red light. Then we read a bit from The One And Only Ivan. Then we had independent reading and I started guided reading (small group instruction).
Period 2 Mrs. Smith taught the kids social studies.
Period 3 we're going to have our Writer's workshop. Then we'll move to math and I'm going to teach the kids subtraction Bingo.
http://www.123homeschool4me.com/2016/09/free-subtraction-bingo.html (if you want to play at home)
Then I have a couple of different subtraction worksheets (2 and 3 digit subtraction) for some additional practise.
Hopefully there will be a little time left over to talk about the Healthy Snack bins.
Period 5 I'm going to do a mindfulness activity with the kids. Then we'll finish up some our Marc Chagall work.
Period 6 we have the computers and we're going to log back into google classroom and try to finish up our stories from yesterday.
****Picture Day Tomorrow****
Monday, 16 October 2017
October 16th
Happy Monday.
We've had a great start to the week so far.
We began with a subtraction mad-minute activity for red light:
We've had a great start to the week so far.
We began with a subtraction mad-minute activity for red light:
Then we did the great weekend round-up.
After that we got our bodies moving with the walking song, and then started our new class novel, The One And Only Ivan.
The kids spent the rest of the period reading independently.
Period 3 we started by having a number talk, figuring the different ways we could solve 49 -21=...it turns out we have a lot of different ways!
Then we ha library.
Period 4 Mrs. Smith (Mrs. Chamberlain today) taught social studies.
Period 5 we have the computers and we're going to log onto google classroom and try revising some of our writing on to a google document.
Period 6 I'm planning on putting the kids into 'guitar squads' and teaching them the D chord.
Just a reminder, this Wednesday (18th) is picture day.
Friday, 13 October 2017
October 13th
Happy Friday the 13th...hope you don't suffer from Triskaidekaphobia (ask you kids).
I had a workshop yesterday so I was unable to post.
As it's Friday, I don't have a lot of time to post today either.
Period 1 we had a read aloud and did some independent reading after our mad minute subtraction.
Period 2 we had computers. We talked about being responsible and critical and explored some of our friends favourite websites.
Period 3 (almost now) we're going to do some writing. We'll watch this video first.
I had a workshop yesterday so I was unable to post.
As it's Friday, I don't have a lot of time to post today either.
Period 1 we had a read aloud and did some independent reading after our mad minute subtraction.
Period 2 we had computers. We talked about being responsible and critical and explored some of our friends favourite websites.
Period 3 (almost now) we're going to do some writing. We'll watch this video first.
Period 4 we have gym.
Period 5 we're going to play some silent seatball and have a circle discussing the class Kiva (community). Then we'll watch the episode from the Goosebumps television series that was based upon our class novel, The Scarecrow Walks at Midnight. We'll discuss some of the similarities and differences.
Period 6 we'll finish up our Marc Chagall art from yesterday and hopefully have enough time to play a little guitar.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Wednesday, 11 October 2017
October 11th
Hi everyone,
I'm going to try and squeeze a blog in today. As it's a Friday schedule, time is tight.
Period 1 -we did a math mad minute during announcements to see how many subtraction questions the kids could answer (and how quickly they could come in and get started). Then we read a little non-fiction about fears and phobias. Then we had some independent reading time.
Period 2 we did a quick lesson on using quotation marks, then the kids worked on adding the correct punctuation to 10 sentences. The class was working very hard and quietly on this activity.
It's only first break now, but here is how the rest of the day goes...I hope.
Computers period 3, we'll learn to navigate the cloud a bit more and practise adding links to documents.
Period 4 is gym.
Period 5 we're going to continue working on subtraction. Hopefully play a game with dice and subtracting from 100.
We might get to these worksheets for additional practise:
https://www.math-drills.com/subtraction/subtraction_0202_some_regrouping_002.php B
Period 6 I'm hoping to get out the guitars, and learn the C chord and at the end of the day maybe a little bit of free time if we keep up the hard work.
I'm going to try and squeeze a blog in today. As it's a Friday schedule, time is tight.
Period 1 -we did a math mad minute during announcements to see how many subtraction questions the kids could answer (and how quickly they could come in and get started). Then we read a little non-fiction about fears and phobias. Then we had some independent reading time.
Period 2 we did a quick lesson on using quotation marks, then the kids worked on adding the correct punctuation to 10 sentences. The class was working very hard and quietly on this activity.
It's only first break now, but here is how the rest of the day goes...I hope.
Computers period 3, we'll learn to navigate the cloud a bit more and practise adding links to documents.
Period 4 is gym.
Period 5 we're going to continue working on subtraction. Hopefully play a game with dice and subtracting from 100.
We might get to these worksheets for additional practise:
https://www.math-drills.com/subtraction/subtraction_0202_some_regrouping_002.php B
Period 6 I'm hoping to get out the guitars, and learn the C chord and at the end of the day maybe a little bit of free time if we keep up the hard work.
Tuesday, 10 October 2017
October 10th
Welcome back everyone.
I hope everyone had some time to enjoy their family, friends and the outdoors this weekend.
It's Period 2 and Mrs. Smith is teaching social studies...here is what the day looks like (hopefully), and a few notes.
Period 1 we had a big weekend round up, read a chapter from The Scarecrow Walks at Midnight and had a few minutes of independent reading.
Period 2 we have Mrs. Smith for Social Studies.
Period 3 we're be doing our Writer's workshop. Today's mini lesson will focus on using quotation marks.
Period 4 we'll watch this growth mindset video and do a number talk. Then I'll introduce the kids to subtractions and try these worksheets.
Period 5 we have the computers and we'll be logging on to the Halton Cloud and working on organizing and managing Google Drive.
Period 6 We're going to finish up our math from Period 4. There are a few kids that are struggling with regrouping....any extra practise at home will help!
Extra worksheets
2 Digit Borrow Subtraction – Regrouping – 4 Worksheets / FREE Printable Worksheets – Worksheetfun
Some subtraction games online:
Extra worksheets
2 Digit Borrow Subtraction – Regrouping – 4 Worksheets / FREE Printable Worksheets – Worksheetfun
Some subtraction games online:
Some things to note:
Tomorrow is a switch day (Friday Schedule)
Thursday is a switch day (Monday Schedule)
Picture day is Wednesday October 18th
I'm at a workshop Thursday afternoon (probably no blog that day).
Thursday, 5 October 2017
Thursday October 5th
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Good day today.
Here is what we did.
Period 1-talked about Terry Fox for red light. Then we read another chapter of The Scarecrow Walks at Midnight. The kids had a bit of time to read independently.
Period 2 -started off with a fire drill. Then we had enough time to talk about memories, and how we can use them to help us write. We had our writing time, but unfortunately we didn't have any time for Author's chair today.
Period 3 -we did some circuits and stations in Gym.
Period 4 -we finished up our Thanksgiving art and had a little free time.
Period 5 & 6 -we had the Terry Fox Run.
Here is a list of some flexible thinking math strategies that might help some of your kids with mental math (we're focusing on subtraction next week)
Good day today.
Here is what we did.
Period 1-talked about Terry Fox for red light. Then we read another chapter of The Scarecrow Walks at Midnight. The kids had a bit of time to read independently.
Period 2 -started off with a fire drill. Then we had enough time to talk about memories, and how we can use them to help us write. We had our writing time, but unfortunately we didn't have any time for Author's chair today.
Period 3 -we did some circuits and stations in Gym.
Period 4 -we finished up our Thanksgiving art and had a little free time.
Period 5 & 6 -we had the Terry Fox Run.
Here is a list of some flexible thinking math strategies that might help some of your kids with mental math (we're focusing on subtraction next week)
Wednesday, 4 October 2017
Wednesday October 4th
Here is what we did today!
Period 1 and 2 - we spent a long time doing our red light activity... coming up with different questions for the answer 50. Then we did a read aloud followed by some independent reading. Then we talked about writing letters during writing time (in order to minimize distractions)...unfortunately we didn't get around to writing time (again).
Period 3 we watched this movie and talked about the power of mistakes.
Then we discussed the idea of subtraction...we played a couple of games on the computer.
Here is a link to some more games if you want some extra practise at home.
Period 4 -Mrs. Smith is teaching Social Studies.
Period 5 -Mrs. Djonovich is teaching music.
Period 6 -I'm hoping to do a few drama activities. Ask your kids about Aliens, Tiger, Cow.
Just a reminder....tomorrow at the end of the day is the Terry Fox run!
Period 1 and 2 - we spent a long time doing our red light activity... coming up with different questions for the answer 50. Then we did a read aloud followed by some independent reading. Then we talked about writing letters during writing time (in order to minimize distractions)...unfortunately we didn't get around to writing time (again).
Period 3 we watched this movie and talked about the power of mistakes.
Then we discussed the idea of subtraction...we played a couple of games on the computer.
Here is a link to some more games if you want some extra practise at home.
Period 4 -Mrs. Smith is teaching Social Studies.
Period 5 -Mrs. Djonovich is teaching music.
Period 6 -I'm hoping to do a few drama activities. Ask your kids about Aliens, Tiger, Cow.
Just a reminder....tomorrow at the end of the day is the Terry Fox run!
Tuesday, 3 October 2017
October 3rd
Since it's Tuesday, it means I'm going to be blogging early (when the kids are with Mrs. Smith period 2). Apologies if plans change.
Here is what the day is suppose to look like:
Period 1 - Red light - what we're thankful for. Read aloud. Then Writer's Workshop.
Period 2 Social studies with Mrs. Smith.
Period 3 and 4 -we'll start off with the Author's Chair. Lena, Brady and Zane have all offered to share.
Then we'll do math. Starting off by watching this video. I'm really focusing on trying to improve the growth mindset of some of the kids who think they're not 'math people'.
Then we're going to keep working with multi digit addition with re grouping. Some kids will be trying 3 digit, others will opt for the challenge of 4 digit. If they finish, they can play a math game.
Period 5 we'll do another Fire Drill practise...this time using the alternate exit. Then I'm planning on doing some Thanksgiving art. We'll brainstorm as a class...but I envision something sort of like this:
Monday, 2 October 2017
October 2nd
Happy October everyone.
We've had a good day so far.
Period 1 we started with our usual Monday morning weekend round up...lots of apple and pumpkin picking! Then we went through the process of the 'Great Seat Exchange'. The room has been rearranged and the kids have switched desks. It took a little longer than I intended, but we're all set now. We were able to read for 20 minutes, but we didn't have enough time to do our Writer's Workshop.
When I told the kids we were out of time, I heard a few groans and saw some sad faces...which makes me happy that the kids are looking forward to writing!
Period 3 we did a number talked (29 + 42 =) and shared all the various ways we solved that mentally. Then off to the library.
Period 4 (now), Mrs. Smith has the kids for social studies.
Period 5 we have the computers booked. I'm hoping most kids will finish the addition assignment I've set up on Prodigy.
Period 6 we'll be working on some math. In my hurry to clean up for open house, I have some how misplaced their 2 digit addition worksheets...we may have to redo them. I'm hoping to introduce 3 digit addition too to those that are ready to handle it.
Just a quick reminder...Terry Fox run is on Thursday. Please consider donating at: http://www.terryfox.org/
We've had a good day so far.
Period 1 we started with our usual Monday morning weekend round up...lots of apple and pumpkin picking! Then we went through the process of the 'Great Seat Exchange'. The room has been rearranged and the kids have switched desks. It took a little longer than I intended, but we're all set now. We were able to read for 20 minutes, but we didn't have enough time to do our Writer's Workshop.
When I told the kids we were out of time, I heard a few groans and saw some sad faces...which makes me happy that the kids are looking forward to writing!
Period 3 we did a number talked (29 + 42 =) and shared all the various ways we solved that mentally. Then off to the library.
Period 4 (now), Mrs. Smith has the kids for social studies.
Period 5 we have the computers booked. I'm hoping most kids will finish the addition assignment I've set up on Prodigy.
Period 6 we'll be working on some math. In my hurry to clean up for open house, I have some how misplaced their 2 digit addition worksheets...we may have to redo them. I'm hoping to introduce 3 digit addition too to those that are ready to handle it.
Just a quick reminder...Terry Fox run is on Thursday. Please consider donating at: http://www.terryfox.org/
Also, PD day this Friday (and holiday on the Monday).
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Friday February 28th
Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization. I rea...
Here is the plan for today: Period 1 reader's workshop. Mini lesson to focus on 'slowing down, to help us make sense'. Perio...
So we changed our math to art today...because it was beautiful outside. I was very impressed with how well the kids worked, and the masterp...
Second last day of school! A great day so far. Period 1 was health. Period 2 we finished our read aloud, The Homework Machine. Period...