Monday, 2 October 2017

October 2nd

Happy October everyone.

We've had a good day so far. 

Period 1 we started with our usual Monday morning weekend round up...lots of apple and pumpkin picking!  Then we went through the process of the 'Great Seat Exchange'.  The room has been rearranged and the kids have switched desks.  It took a little longer than I intended, but we're all set now.  We were able to read for 20 minutes, but we didn't have enough time to do our Writer's Workshop.

When I told the kids we were out of time, I heard a few groans and saw some sad faces...which makes me happy that the kids are looking forward to writing!

Period 3 we did a number talked (29 + 42 =) and shared all the various ways we solved that mentally.  Then off to the library.

Period 4 (now), Mrs. Smith has the kids for social studies.

Period 5 we have the computers booked.  I'm hoping most kids will finish the addition assignment I've set up on Prodigy.

Period 6 we'll be working on some math.  In my hurry to clean up for open house, I have some how misplaced their 2 digit addition worksheets...we may have to redo them.  I'm hoping to introduce 3 digit addition too to those that are ready to handle it.

Just a quick reminder...Terry Fox run is on Thursday.  Please consider donating at:

Also, PD day this Friday (and holiday on the Monday).

1 comment:

  1. How fantastic that the kids are eager to write!
    Grayson had me create 9 math problems (3 digit addition) after dinner!
    Well done Mr Cross on engaging him and having him be so interested in math.
    A first indeed!
    Have a great week!!


Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...