Thursday, 26 October 2017

October 26th

A good day almost in the books.

Period 1 we finished up some rounding work for red light.  Read aloud from The One And Only Ivan.  Then the kids did the best job they've done all year reading independently!  I didn't want to stop them, but we needed to get to the writer's workshop.

Period 2 we had our writer's workshop.  The mini lesson today was on narrowing the focus of our stories.

Period 3 we gym and played a fun version of handball.

Period 4 we had math.  We played this rounding game on the Smartboard.  Then we played this game in partners.

Period 5 we have Mrs. Smith for social studies.

Period 6 we're going to do some mindfulness, calming activity on 'Go Noodle'.   Then we're going to tidy up the classroom and maybe have a bit of free time...

Please remember to check out the 'Market Place' post from a few days ago....

1 comment:

  1. I just think all of this great independant reading and writing is so fantastic!
    Grayson LOVES reading now. Something I honestly NEVER thought would happen.
    He is excited about creating stories too.
    Way to go!!


Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...