Monday, 23 October 2017

Holiday Market Place - Nov. 25th

Last week information went home about Orchard Park's big annual fundraiser, the Holiday Market Place.  All Grades are in charge of creating a 'themed' basket.

The Grade 3's are to create an 'Arts and Crafts' basket.

Parent council are requesting that each item in the basket retail for $15 minimum...they are encouraging families to work together and pool their money.

Angela Boyd (Lily's mom) has graciously offered to organize this for our class.  She suggested collecting $5 from each child, then she would go out and do our shopping (thank you!).

We're hoping to get all donations by Nov. 1st so we can put the basket together for Parent Council Nov. 10th.

You can either send the money in to school with your child, and I'll make sure Angela gets it, or you can find Angela on the blacktop before or after school and hand her the money yourself.

Here is Angela's contact information:
text: 905.330.1233

This is a VERY worthy cause!  Please consider donating as the money goes right back into the school.  We're looking to get new technology and robotics equipment, furniture for the library and phase 3 of the learning garden!

Thanks to Angela and everyone for contributing.

1 comment:

Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...