Wednesday, 11 October 2017

October 11th

Hi everyone,

I'm going to try and squeeze a blog in today.  As it's a Friday schedule, time is tight.

Period 1 -we did a math mad minute during announcements to see how many subtraction questions the kids could answer (and how quickly they could come in and get started).  Then we read a little non-fiction about fears and phobias.  Then we had some independent reading time.
Period 2 we did a quick lesson on using quotation marks, then the kids worked on adding the correct punctuation to 10 sentences.  The class was working very hard and quietly on this activity.

It's only first break now, but here is how the rest of the day goes...I hope.

Computers period 3, we'll learn to navigate the cloud a bit more and practise adding links to documents.

Period 4 is gym.

Period 5 we're going to continue working on subtraction.  Hopefully play a game with dice and subtracting from 100.

We might get to these worksheets for additional practise: B

Period 6 I'm hoping to get out the guitars, and learn the C chord and at the end of the day maybe a little bit of free time if we keep up the hard work.

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Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...