Friday, 28 September 2018

September 28th...

Today should be fairly my Grade 4's are on their field trip to Ancaster, and I'll have Mrs. Sylvester's Grade 5's...teaching the 3/5 split today!

I'm not sure I'll find another time to blog's what I'm hoping happens.

Period 1 - We'll do this worksheet for Red Light:
Then we'll do a read aloud..and have some independent reading.

At some point we're suppose to have a fire alarm this morning.

Period 2 -we'll have our Writer's Workshop.  Our mini-lesson will focus on writing a proper letter.

Period 3 we have the gym, we'll be playing some standard dodgeball...possibly Grade 3's vs Grade 5's?

Period 4 is math.  I'm hoping to teach the game, Race to 100.

Period 5 we have Library/book exchange (and I think the Grade 4's will be back around this time).
Period 6 Mr. Woolley has both grades for French.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, 27 September 2018

September 27th

So it's another Thursday...which means I'll have to blog before I even see the kids...

Here is what I hope today will look like.

Period 1 -Mrs. Coric is teaching health.
Period 2- we're headed to the library to further explore 'My Blueprint' with Mrs. Pauls.

Period 3-The Grade 4's are off to Mr. Woolley for French...the Grade 3's are helping our Grade 1 friends use the chrome books for the first time.

Period 4 we'll be doing a little math...practising using 10 frames to make 10 and trying to sharpen our addition skills with 2 and 3 digit addition.
-making ten-ten frames
2 digit:
3 digit

Period 5 and 6 is the Terry Fox

-Grade 4's go with Mrs. Sylvester and Mrs Flindall's Grade 4's to the Ancaster Rocks and Minerals show tomorrow...remember to bring a 'disposable' lunch.  If you want, you MAY bring some money to buy a small souvenir.  Bus is leaving first thing....don't be late!

Wednesday, 26 September 2018

September 26th

Another good day...

Here's what we did (so far)

Period 1: We worked on our Laurel Busch Cats for red-light.
Then we started a new read aloud, The Tale of Despereaux (there is a movie for this book we'll watch after we finish the book...please don't let your kids watch it first).
Then we did some independent reading.
Period 2 we practise for our first fire drill on Friday....we did 'okay'...we still need to practise.

Period 3 The 4's went to French and the Grade 3's and I worked on navigating the Glenview P.S. website to find my blog...we'll be using it tomorrow when we teach our Grade 1 buddies.
Period 4 we watched this video, because my SK son told me we had to:
Then we did science...the Grade 4's worked on the chromebooks to investigate the 3 types of rocks after watching this video:
The Grade 3's continue working on their force experiment...determining if lifting or pulling requires more force.

Period 5 we have gym...we'll continue to work on our collaboration and locomotion with a new version of 'skittles'.
Period 6 we have music with Mrs. Haynes.

NOTE...tomorrow is the TERRY FOX run periods 5 & 6... please dress accordingly.  Grade 4's have their field trip to Ancaster Rocks and Minerals show on Friday.  All day.

Tuesday, 25 September 2018

Listening & Watching Reading (online books)

We'll need these sites when we read with our Grade 1 buddies...feel free to use them at home too!


Wednesday September 25th

...another long rainy day, almost done...

Here's what we did today

Period 1 we worked on our coloured square addition for red light.  Then we had a quick community circle to talk about improving our Kiva.
Next we did some shared reading to Island In the Sun and watched this video:
Period 2 we came up with ideas for when we're done writing, then rocked our Writer's workshop.

Period 3 we looked at adding 2 and 3 digit numbers using the standard algorithm...we did this worksheet.  I would say about 1/3 of the class really struggled with this...might want to practise at home!!!
Period 4 after some hard thinking, we played battlemath and/or coloured square.

Period 5 we had another circle sharing what we can do to improve our learning skills and KIVA.  Then we worked on our Laurel Busch Cat pictures.  We spent the last few minutes watching Wayside School is Falling Down (we finished the book today)

Period 6 we had music with Mrs. Haynes.

Monday, 24 September 2018

Monday September 24th

I'm trying to be I'm blogging first thing.

Today (and hopefully every Monday) we are having a good friend of mine, Mrs. Perks, come in and volunteer in the classroom in the morning.  Mrs. Perks is a retired Educational Assistant from Orchard Park, and she is amazing.

She'll be helping us with Art this morning (she's a terrific artist).  We also have music period 1.  Period 2 we'll continue working on our Art.

Period 3 -we'll do our 'weekend round up' then have some time for reader's/writer's workshop.  The kids will have the choice to read or write.
Period 4 the Grade 4's go to French, the 3's are going to stay here and work on literacy...using google classroom.  We'll check out this website:

Period 5 we're going to have a quick number talk on making 10...and do a little refresher course on how to add single and double digit math.
Period 6 I'm hoping the Grade 4's can do an independent science experiment where they look closesly at some rocks and minerals, and use provided vocabulary to describe them...while the 3's continue on with their math.

Just a reminder...Terry Fox run is on Thursday...period 5.  We've already raised $2000 online...raffle tickets are still available first break...

Also...please check the previous post about interview times if you haven't already signed up.

Friday, 21 September 2018

Interview times

I had about half the class sign up for interview times.

If you didn't get a chance, please check the link:

Send me an email letting me know your 3 top choices for times.  I'll put them in on a first-come, first-serve basis.



Friday September 21st

I'm going to try to write a quick post before school.

Here's what I'm hoping today looks like:

Period 1 we'll see how much of the Em chord the kids remember from yesterday's guitar lesson.  Then we'll read aloud and have some independent reading.

Period 2 we'll practise our chops at singing 'Down by the Bay'.  After that, for the writer's workshop, we'll focus on 'buzzing effectively' (buzzing = quiet chatter about reading/writing).  Then we'll write.

Period 3 we have gym...I'm hoping to play some 'blob tag' and 'skittles'. 
Period 4 I want to do a quick little writing pre-assessment, asking the kids if they'd rather by a pencil or an eraser?

Period 5 we have our book exchange in Library.  If there's enough time, I'll teach them the E major chord.
Period 6 everyone goes to see Mr. Woolley for French.

Have great weekends!

Thursday, 20 September 2018

Thursday September 20th

It's 9:30 am, Thursday morning...time to be clairvoyant.

Here is my plan for today...I hope!

Period 1 - Mrs. Coric for Health.
Period 2 -Mrs. Pauls is going to introduce us to 'My Blueprint'.  From what I can tell, I think it's sort of like an 'online portfolio'...we'll all find out more today.

Period 3 the Grade 4's are off to French.  The Grade 3's are going to stay with me and practise some Place Value Word problems on Prodigy.
Period 4 we'll talk a little bit about Mindfulness and practise our square breathing before we take a look at this question:
Then I'm going to teach them a simple addition game I learned using number cubes called 'battle math'.  

Period 5 we're going to talk about tonight's BBQ/Open House... We'll talk about what we can show our families.
Next we're going to try and learn our first chord...the Em, on the Guitar.
Period 6 I'm hoping to have a little independent reading time while the 4's continue to work on their DRA.
At the end of the day, I hope we clean out our desks before the Open House.  Wish me luck.

Hope to see/meet you tonight.

Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Wednesday September 19

Another great day at Glenview...

Here's what we did:

Period 1 we finished our 'All About Me Cubes'.  Then we had some independent reading (the Grade 4's worked on their DRA).

Period 2 we started our portrait art.  We watched this video for some tips:

Period 3 the 4's went to French and the 3's worked on the chromebooks...focusing on improving our editing/conventions.  They tried these 2 games:

Period 4 we finished (almost all of us) our portraits...and they look awesome!

Period 5 we had gym...we played a game called 'Kingpin'.

Period 6 Mrs. Haynes had them for Music.

Hope to see most of you tomorrow night!

Tuesday, 18 September 2018

A couple more things...

If you haven't already emailed me with your contact information...and any notes about your children that you think might help me (or you'd like me to know), please do.

My email address is:

Also...still waiting to get some of that paperwork from the beginning of the year (student verification, phys. ed, promotional photos and walking forms). 

Lastly, if any of my Grade 4 parents are able to help volunteer for the trip on the 28th...that would be amazing...

Reminder, Glenview BBQ is happening this Thursday from 5:30 - 7:30...I hope to see you all there.

Tuesday September 18th

So, even though it's Tuesday...we're on a Monday schedule...which means I need to blog first thing.

Here is what I'm hoping happens today.

Period 1 we worked on finishing up some Name Art and sharing the highlights from our weekend during 'Weekend Round Up'.  The kids then went to music for 30 minutes (right now).

Period 2 I'm hoping to finish weekend round up, read aloud Wayside, and have some independent reading.   I'm hoping to start a Diagnostic Reading Assessment with my Grade 4's while the 3's read independently. 

Period 3 - in an attempt to get a little more work up for the BBQ, the kids are going to work on 'All About Me' cubes.  We'll talk about taking pride in our work.

Period 4 the 4's go to French...the Grade 3's will hopefully set up 'Literacy' Folders on Google Drive and learn how to share them with me.

Period 5 we have Math.  We'll talk about place value and the value of each digit.  And hopefully play the Place Value Game:

The Grade 4's will be doing their own work on Google Classroom (hopefully), representing whole numbers up to 10 000.

Any extra time at the end of the day will be devoted to finishing up work (e.g., cubes, Place Value, Name Art, writing).

Friday, 14 September 2018

PD day on Monday

Just a friendly reminder...we have a PD this Monday...don't send your children to school!!!

Friday September 14th


Today we started by making our own creations out of base-ten blocks and calculating their value.  Then we read about Deedee from Wayside.  We had some technical difficulties with the computer and Smartboard...but we eventually got to do some shared reading, singing the song Down By the Bay.

After that we practised building our reading stamina....we didn't break any records today.

Then we had our Writer's workshop.  Today's mini-lesson was how to write a letter, should you NEED to interrupt Mr. Cross while I am conferencing.

Period 3 we had gym...we got down there a lot earlier and got to play 3 games of 'mat ball'. 
Period 4 we had our Library Exchange period (because of the Assembly).

Period 5 we have the Terry Fox Kick off assembly.
Period 6 both grades go to Mr. Woolley for French.

Some Terry Fox forms coming home tonight...along with Book Swap information and 'Fresh From the Farm' Parent council fundraiser information.

Have a terrific weekend.  I look forward to seeing everyone next week at the Glenview BBQ!  Hope you can make it.

Thursday, 13 September 2018

STEM projects are the might need your child to explain it to you!

Thursday September 13th

So it's Thursday, which means the only time I have to blog is before we start our is what I am hoping happens today:

Period 1 Mrs. Coric for health.
Period 2 a circle, read aloud and some independent reading...hopefully present our STEM projects.

Period 3 Grade 4's to french, Grade 3's to finish up google classroom assignments.
Period 4 Writer's workshop.

Period 5 math - we're going to look at writing numbers in expanded form (e.g., 7,532 = 7,000 + 500+ 30+ 2) and hopefully do this work:

Period 5 we'll use the speed stacks to build up our hand eye coordination.  We'll watch this video:
Then maybe we'll have a little class competition?

Period 6, depending on how the day goes, we'll either practise our fire drill routines, OR possibly have a little 'exploration/finish up' time.

Thanks to all the parents that have brought in a box of's appreciated.  I still need email address from a few families, as well as all the paperwork that went home at the beginning of the year (e.g., student verification forms etc...) 

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Wednesday September 12th

Another great day almost in the books.

Here is what most of today (and hopefully the rest, looks like)

Period 1 We talked about our least favourite foods (sushi and squash seem to be well hated).  The we Read about Jason in Wayside.  We had a circle to discuss our improved Kiva.  Then we smashed our Reading Stamina record going for 11:42!

Period 2 we practised walking through the hallways quietly.  Then we finished up our STEM and art projects from earlier.

Period 3 the 4's went to French.  The 3's stayed here and worked on Internet reading.  We explored these 2 sites:

Period 4 we explored our new (old donated) SMART board...then we explored base ten blocks...making all sorts of wonderful creations.

It was ugly there for a minute...but we pulled it together and ended up sharing like champions.....

Period 5 we have gym...hoping to build on our cooperative team work.

Period 6 we have music.

Reminder for the Grade 4's...I still need a few permission forms for their field trip on Sept. 28th

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Tuesday September 11th here is what today looked like.

Period 1 we picked our favourite super powers for red light.  Then we had a circle, discussed the great Kiva that's developing in our classroom and how we can continue to build upon it.
Next, we read a chapter from Wayside.  Then we unfortunately took a step backwards with building our up our independent reading stamina.  We could only read for 4:38 today before some people got distracted!  Better luck tomorrow.

Period 2 we really 'rocked' the Writer's workshop.  We made up a list of things we're experts about and some of the kids wrote about those expertise.

Period 3 we finally played Sum It Up...we need to review 'good partner skills'...but for the most part we got there.

Period 4 we did our first STEM challenge...I put the kids into groups of 4 or 5...then with 5 sheets of tinfoil, 25 pipe cleaners and all the glue and tape they wanted, they had to design something.  The kids for the most part worked very well together...lots of compromising. 

Period 5, because the kids worked so well...and begged all day, we had some time to explore math Prodigy.  I wouldn't be surprised if there was a lot of 'can I play math prodigy' tonight.

Period 6 Mr.s Haynes had them for music.

NOTE:  Grade 4's have a permission form going home tonight for the Ancaster Rocks and Mineral show....

Monday, 10 September 2018

Notes on Prodigy

Today...after a painful process of getting everyone registered and logged into Math Prodigy, I think we have successfully done it!

Math Prodigy is a fantastic math program that is tailored around the Ontario Curriculum, and modifies the questions by ability level.

I've found this program to be extremely engaging for kids in the past.

A few things I want to point out:

A) Prodigy is a business...and at points they'll ask if you want to become paid unlock new outfits and gear...however, this does not change the level/content of math your child receives (it's all superficial)...I am neither for or against memberships...I'll leave that to each parents/family discretion.

B) The students were suppose to have written their log in info into their agendas...I believe it's tablet friendly...there may even be an app to support this.

C) There is a way for parents to link up with their child's account...How To Create A New Parent Account – Prodigy if you would like (I've never been on the Parent Portal).

D)  I think if each child had their own headphones (instead of sharing with the school) might be a good idea?  I know I bought a pair for my daughter from the dollar store.  They could leave them in their desks.

E)  The students start Prodigy by doing 'placement tests' so don't worry if the math you're child is getting is too easy or difficult, it just helps the program to know what they know....I saw a lot of frustrated faces today!

Any questions, feel free to email, and I'll try my best to answer them!

Monday September 10th

Hey everyone...Happy rainy Monday.

So it looks like Mondays and Thursdays I'm going to have to try and blog before school starts as my prep. periods are period 1.

Here is what I hope today looks like??

Period 1 the kids have music with Mrs. Haynes.
Then when they come back we'll have a Monday morning circle (I call it Weekend Round Up) where we share highlights from our weekend (if you choose to do so).  It's a nice chance to build community and work on listening and speaking skills.

Then we'll attempt to break our reading stamina record of 7:45. 

Period 3 We'll have our writer's's mini lesson is on sketching out ideas and building upon them.
Period 4 the Grade 4's go to French and the Grade 3's are going to try logging on to Google Classroom for the first time to do an Internet safety activity.

Period 5 I'm hoping I can hold onto the chromebooks a bit longer and have both the Grade 3's and 4's log into Math Prodigy... a great website where the kids can practise Grade appropriate skills in math from the curriculum.

Period 6 I have the 'Sum It Up' game planned from last week...however, with the weather and the first Monday back, I may change this to something else...we'll see how everyone's brains are working.

Friday, 7 September 2018

Friday September 7th

First week of school in the books!  We made it!

I already love this class, school and community. Thank you for the warm welcome.

Here is what we did today:

We wrote/drew our highlights from this week in our Red Light books.  Apparently using the guitars and chromebooks are fan favourites.

Then we read about Joe, who couldn't count...but actually he sort of could...just not properly.

Then we tied yesterdays time for 'building reading stamina'.

After that we had our first Writer's workshop.  We talked about ideas for writing and then the kids wrote for 10 minutes (the quiet 10).  After that, they had a chance to work with partners (co-write, edit, share).  They were amazing.

Then it was time for lunch.

Period 3 we had gym, we played some Indiana Jones and some Boomerang.
Period 4 we did a little mindfulness activity about being the pond and watching the fish.  Then we did our first art lesson examining the colour wheel, and using warm and cool colours to colour our names.  The real focus was taking pride in our work.

Period 5 we had a little circle, read about Todd then played guitars!  Today was just about learning how to hold the guitars properly.  By the time we were done that, Mr. Woolley had arrived to take the class to French for Period 6.

All in all, a great day.

Just a quick note...I've only got emails from 5 of 21 parents...if you haven't already, could you please just send me a quick email, let me know your current email address...and any other important information you think might help me understand your child a bit more? (see previous post)

Also, a green Glenview BBQ ordering form is going home with the youngest or only children today.

Have a great weekend.

Thursday, 6 September 2018

Thursday September 6th Mr. Cross made yet another mistake today.  I thought Mrs. Coric was teaching us health period 2 today...but it's actually period 1!

I'm going to have to improvise a little, and that means write my blog Period 1.

Here is what today is suppose to look like...

Period 1 - Mrs. Coric is teaching Health
Period 2 - We'll have a circle, and discuss what we can do to be better community members (build up our Kiva).  Then we'll read another chapter of Wayside and work on building up our Stamina.  If we have time, I'd like to introduce the Writer's Workshop.

Period 3 the Grade 4's are off to French.  The Grade 3's and I are going be working on Google Drive...practising logging on and working on documents about our summer's.
Period 4 I might keep the computers a bit longer (if possible) and set up Math Prodigy accounts with the kids...I've also got a 'getting to know me cube' activity planned with the kids.  I'm hoping to discuss with the kids about taking pride in their work.

Period 5 we're going to the Library for our Orientation.
Period 6 I'm hoping to play an addition game called Sum it Up
At the end of the day, if there is time, we'll try to play a game of Silent Seatball.

Wednesday, 5 September 2018

September 5th

Another good day at Glenview in the books!

Here is what today looked like.

Periods 1 we started working quietly in our Red Light books, writing and drawing our thoughts on breakfast foods.  Then we had a circle and talked about KIVA (a first nations word for community).  I shared my observations of kids I noticed doing a good job of promoting KIVA yesterday (e.g, Lylah and Tahura stacking chairs, the group of boys that cleaned up the LEGO ect...).

Period 2 we started reading Sideways Stories from Wayside School.  The kids are glad I'm not Mrs. Gorf.  Then we sang, and recorded our version of Willougby Wallaby Woo.  Here is a link (sorry about the out of tune guitar and voice).

Then we practise building our up our Stamina for independent reading...the kids surprised me by reading for 7 minutes uninterrupted today...not bad for our first try!  The kids are encouraged to bring reading material from home too!

After that we had enough time to use the RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR to pick our desks.  We'll sit in these spots until September (or until I get a Smartboard and need to rearrange the room again). 

Period 3 the Grade 4's went to Mr. Woolley's class for French.  The Grade 3's and I discussed partner reading (EEKK) what good and not-so-good reading looks like.  We practised, and nailed it.  Then we played the blanket game.

Period 4 I messed up and thought we had we got a little free time.

Period 5 we actually did have gym, we played a super quick game of Indiana Jones, because we had a bit of hard time getting to the gym quietly.

Period 6 the kids are with Mrs. Haynes for music...

Remember to get that paperwork that went home yesterday in as soon as possible.

Tuesday, 4 September 2018

...just a couple of things

Thanks again to everyone for a great first day. 

I'm not sure how everyone is feeling after their first day back, but I can tell you everyone in my house is exhausted!  Including me.

I just want to put out a few things (before I fall asleep and forget about them).

1. Here is a link to our TENTATIVE class schedule.  There are a lot of moving parts at Glenview, and I'm still trying to figure my way things could very well change!

2. I would love if every parent could send me a quick email just to say 'hi' and then I would know/have everyone's email addresses.  It would also be helpful if you could let me know the best way for me to get in contact with you (email works best for me) and any other information you'd like me to know about your child.
My email address:

3. Lastly, we have a box of Halton District School Board facial tissues in our classroom...but if you would prefer your children not wiping their noses with sandpaper...please consider donating a box to our class?  Thank you!

Thanks again for a wonderful welcome...your kids are terrific.

September 4th 2018

Welcome to the blog.

Also, thanks for welcoming me to Glenview.

It's only been one day...but I can I already tell I'm going to love it here.  What a great school.

I'm going to try my best to blog everyday...usually just a few lines explaining what we did each period...or reminders about important information (e.g., field trip forms).

Here is what today looked like:

Periods 1 & 2: I read the book 'First Day Jitters' and we talked about being nervous for school.  Most kids were excited, which is great to see.  We went through our daily routines, announcements and attendance (the fun stuff).

After we sang the 'Walking Song' did a little tour of the classroom, where all the various materials are kept.

Then we reviewed the Nutrition Break Rules right before the break.

Period 3 we talked about 'Fair isn't Equal' and what that means to us.  I showed them this picture:

Then I made the kids a promise...if they can follow our 3 class rules, I'll give them the best year of school yet.  Class rules:
1. Be respectful (kind)
2. Try your best
3. Have fun!

Then we did the Gentry developmental spelling test just so I could get a general idea of how they spell.  

Period 4 we had an assembly.

I messed up the times and got them ready extra early for 2nd break (I'm still learning too).

Period 5 we talked about my blog and had some 'free time' to explore my room and practise cleaning up!

Period 6 Mrs. Haynes takes the kids for music for the first 30 minutes.  At the end of the day we'll have a circle to discuss our day and hopefully practise singing Willougby Wallaby Woo by Raffi.

Note:  Lots of paperwork went home today...especially if your child is the youngest or only child at Glenview.  Please check it over and return any of the forms you're suppose to.
Student Verification, Medical Danger, Milk, Kidssentials lunch, insurance are all the forms I can remember sending home as well as my own introduction letter.

Thanks for a successful first day.

Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...