Friday, 28 September 2018

September 28th...

Today should be fairly my Grade 4's are on their field trip to Ancaster, and I'll have Mrs. Sylvester's Grade 5's...teaching the 3/5 split today!

I'm not sure I'll find another time to blog's what I'm hoping happens.

Period 1 - We'll do this worksheet for Red Light:
Then we'll do a read aloud..and have some independent reading.

At some point we're suppose to have a fire alarm this morning.

Period 2 -we'll have our Writer's Workshop.  Our mini-lesson will focus on writing a proper letter.

Period 3 we have the gym, we'll be playing some standard dodgeball...possibly Grade 3's vs Grade 5's?

Period 4 is math.  I'm hoping to teach the game, Race to 100.

Period 5 we have Library/book exchange (and I think the Grade 4's will be back around this time).
Period 6 Mr. Woolley has both grades for French.

Have a great weekend!

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Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...