Monday, 10 September 2018

Notes on Prodigy

Today...after a painful process of getting everyone registered and logged into Math Prodigy, I think we have successfully done it!

Math Prodigy is a fantastic math program that is tailored around the Ontario Curriculum, and modifies the questions by ability level.

I've found this program to be extremely engaging for kids in the past.

A few things I want to point out:

A) Prodigy is a business...and at points they'll ask if you want to become paid unlock new outfits and gear...however, this does not change the level/content of math your child receives (it's all superficial)...I am neither for or against memberships...I'll leave that to each parents/family discretion.

B) The students were suppose to have written their log in info into their agendas...I believe it's tablet friendly...there may even be an app to support this.

C) There is a way for parents to link up with their child's account...How To Create A New Parent Account – Prodigy if you would like (I've never been on the Parent Portal).

D)  I think if each child had their own headphones (instead of sharing with the school) might be a good idea?  I know I bought a pair for my daughter from the dollar store.  They could leave them in their desks.

E)  The students start Prodigy by doing 'placement tests' so don't worry if the math you're child is getting is too easy or difficult, it just helps the program to know what they know....I saw a lot of frustrated faces today!

Any questions, feel free to email, and I'll try my best to answer them!

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