Tuesday, 4 September 2018

September 4th 2018

Welcome to the blog.

Also, thanks for welcoming me to Glenview.

It's only been one day...but I can I already tell I'm going to love it here.  What a great school.

I'm going to try my best to blog everyday...usually just a few lines explaining what we did each period...or reminders about important information (e.g., field trip forms).

Here is what today looked like:

Periods 1 & 2: I read the book 'First Day Jitters' and we talked about being nervous for school.  Most kids were excited, which is great to see.  We went through our daily routines, announcements and attendance (the fun stuff).

After we sang the 'Walking Song' did a little tour of the classroom, where all the various materials are kept.

Then we reviewed the Nutrition Break Rules right before the break.

Period 3 we talked about 'Fair isn't Equal' and what that means to us.  I showed them this picture:

Then I made the kids a promise...if they can follow our 3 class rules, I'll give them the best year of school yet.  Class rules:
1. Be respectful (kind)
2. Try your best
3. Have fun!

Then we did the Gentry developmental spelling test just so I could get a general idea of how they spell.  

Period 4 we had an assembly.

I messed up the times and got them ready extra early for 2nd break (I'm still learning too).

Period 5 we talked about my blog and had some 'free time' to explore my room and practise cleaning up!

Period 6 Mrs. Haynes takes the kids for music for the first 30 minutes.  At the end of the day we'll have a circle to discuss our day and hopefully practise singing Willougby Wallaby Woo by Raffi.

Note:  Lots of paperwork went home today...especially if your child is the youngest or only child at Glenview.  Please check it over and return any of the forms you're suppose to.
Student Verification, Medical Danger, Milk, Kidssentials lunch, insurance are all the forms I can remember sending home as well as my own introduction letter.

Thanks for a successful first day.

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Friday February 28th

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