Friday, 21 September 2018

Friday September 21st

I'm going to try to write a quick post before school.

Here's what I'm hoping today looks like:

Period 1 we'll see how much of the Em chord the kids remember from yesterday's guitar lesson.  Then we'll read aloud and have some independent reading.

Period 2 we'll practise our chops at singing 'Down by the Bay'.  After that, for the writer's workshop, we'll focus on 'buzzing effectively' (buzzing = quiet chatter about reading/writing).  Then we'll write.

Period 3 we have gym...I'm hoping to play some 'blob tag' and 'skittles'. 
Period 4 I want to do a quick little writing pre-assessment, asking the kids if they'd rather by a pencil or an eraser?

Period 5 we have our book exchange in Library.  If there's enough time, I'll teach them the E major chord.
Period 6 everyone goes to see Mr. Woolley for French.

Have great weekends!

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Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...