Friday, 7 September 2018

Friday September 7th

First week of school in the books!  We made it!

I already love this class, school and community. Thank you for the warm welcome.

Here is what we did today:

We wrote/drew our highlights from this week in our Red Light books.  Apparently using the guitars and chromebooks are fan favourites.

Then we read about Joe, who couldn't count...but actually he sort of could...just not properly.

Then we tied yesterdays time for 'building reading stamina'.

After that we had our first Writer's workshop.  We talked about ideas for writing and then the kids wrote for 10 minutes (the quiet 10).  After that, they had a chance to work with partners (co-write, edit, share).  They were amazing.

Then it was time for lunch.

Period 3 we had gym, we played some Indiana Jones and some Boomerang.
Period 4 we did a little mindfulness activity about being the pond and watching the fish.  Then we did our first art lesson examining the colour wheel, and using warm and cool colours to colour our names.  The real focus was taking pride in our work.

Period 5 we had a little circle, read about Todd then played guitars!  Today was just about learning how to hold the guitars properly.  By the time we were done that, Mr. Woolley had arrived to take the class to French for Period 6.

All in all, a great day.

Just a quick note...I've only got emails from 5 of 21 parents...if you haven't already, could you please just send me a quick email, let me know your current email address...and any other important information you think might help me understand your child a bit more? (see previous post)

Also, a green Glenview BBQ ordering form is going home with the youngest or only children today.

Have a great weekend.

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Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...