Monday, 10 September 2018

Monday September 10th

Hey everyone...Happy rainy Monday.

So it looks like Mondays and Thursdays I'm going to have to try and blog before school starts as my prep. periods are period 1.

Here is what I hope today looks like??

Period 1 the kids have music with Mrs. Haynes.
Then when they come back we'll have a Monday morning circle (I call it Weekend Round Up) where we share highlights from our weekend (if you choose to do so).  It's a nice chance to build community and work on listening and speaking skills.

Then we'll attempt to break our reading stamina record of 7:45. 

Period 3 We'll have our writer's's mini lesson is on sketching out ideas and building upon them.
Period 4 the Grade 4's go to French and the Grade 3's are going to try logging on to Google Classroom for the first time to do an Internet safety activity.

Period 5 I'm hoping I can hold onto the chromebooks a bit longer and have both the Grade 3's and 4's log into Math Prodigy... a great website where the kids can practise Grade appropriate skills in math from the curriculum.

Period 6 I have the 'Sum It Up' game planned from last week...however, with the weather and the first Monday back, I may change this to something else...we'll see how everyone's brains are working.

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Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...