Wednesday, 5 September 2018

September 5th

Another good day at Glenview in the books!

Here is what today looked like.

Periods 1 we started working quietly in our Red Light books, writing and drawing our thoughts on breakfast foods.  Then we had a circle and talked about KIVA (a first nations word for community).  I shared my observations of kids I noticed doing a good job of promoting KIVA yesterday (e.g, Lylah and Tahura stacking chairs, the group of boys that cleaned up the LEGO ect...).

Period 2 we started reading Sideways Stories from Wayside School.  The kids are glad I'm not Mrs. Gorf.  Then we sang, and recorded our version of Willougby Wallaby Woo.  Here is a link (sorry about the out of tune guitar and voice).

Then we practise building our up our Stamina for independent reading...the kids surprised me by reading for 7 minutes uninterrupted today...not bad for our first try!  The kids are encouraged to bring reading material from home too!

After that we had enough time to use the RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR to pick our desks.  We'll sit in these spots until September (or until I get a Smartboard and need to rearrange the room again). 

Period 3 the Grade 4's went to Mr. Woolley's class for French.  The Grade 3's and I discussed partner reading (EEKK) what good and not-so-good reading looks like.  We practised, and nailed it.  Then we played the blanket game.

Period 4 I messed up and thought we had we got a little free time.

Period 5 we actually did have gym, we played a super quick game of Indiana Jones, because we had a bit of hard time getting to the gym quietly.

Period 6 the kids are with Mrs. Haynes for music...

Remember to get that paperwork that went home yesterday in as soon as possible.

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Friday February 28th

 Here is how today is supposed to go: Period 1 -Red light, read aloud, Reader's workshop - we continued to work on visualization.  I rea...